Izuku returned to his day shift, more than happy to greet the sun and the common faces on his normal patrol route. It was pleasant to talk the old aunties and school children that considered him a friendly, familiar face. Even the villains seemed to respect the good day for what it was, choosing to stay home instead of stir up trouble.

As his shift ended, Izuku felt he had the energy and right attitude to fulfill his personal mission for the day: Return to the sex shop where he'd been struck by the quirk.

A simple face mask and a baseball cap to cover his curls, he dressed in plain clothing and wore long sleeves to cover his easily recognized scars. A bell tinkled as he opened the blacked out door of the shop, letting the shop owner know of a new customer's arrival.

Near the front were displays and shelves of tame items: erotic books, films, magazines, bottles of lubes and cleaners, a few mannequins in tasteful lingerie. Against the wall with the door was an assortment of vending machines and an old fashioned claw machine but with adult toys inside. To his right, the shop keeper smiled brightly at him. "Welcome!" she said, "Can I help you find anything in particular?"

She was petite, bright purple curls framed her friendly face, her golden eyes carried her smile further. Izuku recognized her as the woman he'd rescued, the one whose quirk was affecting him. He reached up to pull his mask off and return her smile, "Yeah, actually, um, I'm not sure if you recognize me but—"

"Hero Deku!" she said, and then at his concerned face, "ah, don't worry, no one else is here right now. We get most of our customers later in the evening." She giggled, "How can I help you?"

"Uh, well, can you tell me more about your quirk?"

She frowned, "Having trouble shaking it?"

He nodded, "It's a little embarrassing, but I focused more on work than relationships, so I'm not, um, very informed."

"Oh! Well I can help with that!" she smiled. "Like I told your agent, the quirk runs its course once you've fulfilled your kinks. Something you really crave from a sexual partner, even if you aren't aware you have the desire. Gets a little complicated, but fun!"

Izuku smiled, "Definitely fun."

She laughed, "I hope you've found a good partner. Certainly, kinks can be explored alone, but sometimes you need a helping hand."

"Yeah, I have a partner."

"Wonderful!" she said, "Well then, normally I advise customers to browse the shop. Buy whatever gets that craving's attention. Even if you don't really know what the item is for or does, there's an aspect of it you're interested in. I'll give you a little discount as well," she finished with a wink.

She rounded the counter and hand him a black shopping basket, "If you fill it and need another one just bring it up front and I'll hold on to it. And we have a strict anonymity policy, so don't worry about your privacy or anything like that—your sex life is my business, and that means client confidentiality."

Izuku laughed at the sales pitch, "Thanks."

"If you have any questions or need anything, just give me a holler, okay?"

He nodded again and then began a systematic browsing through the store. He tried to think of Katsuki's recommendations, and considered that anything he bought Katsuki likely had a better version of at home. Still, being able to throw something out there for the dom to run with was bound to be helpful in figuring out what he wanted.

The green haired man could feel himself blush, his dick occasionally twitching with interest when he came across items that caused the craving to increase. Adding items to his basket, he tried to ignore the price-tags. Most of his money went into savings, so he could afford to splurge.

What's A Little Kink Exploration Between Friends? by tumbleweedchaserDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora