Part 24

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happy reading, my lovelies!

Izuku wasn't sure how things escalated to this point.

Getting caught now would get them both arrested, end their careers, but he did not want to stop.

Ashido and Kaminari had invited him over for pamper session. They'd watch cheesy movies, given themselves pedicures, and drank far too much wine. It had been really nice to talk to them, ask them questions, hear stories about the club and their doms.

They wanted to know all about Izuku's kinks, curious to see if they had common interests or if he'd tried something they hadn't. When he mentioned buying feminine clothing, Ashido had bounced with excitement, Kaminari catching on far faster than Izuku did. Next thing he knew, he was being dressed up like a doll, makeup applied to his face, and being taught to walk in heels.

By the time Kirishima had returned home with Katsuki and Shinso in tow, all a bit buzzed from a night out at the bar, Izuku was drunk enough his filter was gone but not so drunk he couldn't walk in the clunky, strappy black pumps Ashido had said were too big for her anyway.

"Kacchan!" he greeted his boyfriend, pouncing on him for a hug. Katsuki shoved him back by his shoulders so he could look him over properly. Ashido had dressed him in dark thigh highs and heels, a black and green lacy high wasted mini skirt, and a long sleeved black crop top with printed flowers running up the sleeves. His hair had been tamed, parted and coifed for a feminine look, his eyes lined and mascaraed, a dark red lip to finish the look off.

"Well aren't you pretty," Katsuki said, helping Izuku stay balanced as he spun to show him the full outfit.

A few happy farewells and they headed off into the night to return to their apartment. Katsuki guided Izuku through the train station levels to get to the one they needed. Their first line wasn't typically busy this late at night, and this fact stood true as they waited on the platform with just one tired looking businessman on the other end.

In the empty car, Izuku prattled about his night, his normal filter gone he voiced his thoughts freely, much to Katsuki's amusement—though he'd never admit he found the muttering endearing.

"Y'know how Hitoshi said we should have sex on a train?" Izuku said suddenly, catching the blonde's full attention, "Apparently he's been trying to convince Kaminari to do it forever but they keep chickening out whenever they're actually on a train."

"Why you telling me this?"

Izuku shrugged, "Because we're on a train."

Katsuki doubted Izuku planned for their train to reach their stop at that point, but they'd reached their station and would need to switch lines. "Well not anymore," Katsuki pointed out.

The shorter man snorted, and then took Katsuki's hand so he wouldn't stumble too much in his heels as they went to their next train—the longer, and busier part of their journey.

Perhaps it was because it was the weekend, maybe there was an event neither of them knew about, but the train was fairly packed—mostly a younger, college aged crowd. Most seemed fairly drunk themselves, too busy chatting with their friends or toying with their phones to notice much of what was going on around them.

Katsuki managed to snag a seat near the back, a sleeping drunk guy next to him making for quiet company. The blond pulled Izuku onto his lap, arms circling his hips to hold him steady against the sway of the train.

It was hard to say if it was the outfit, the late night party atmosphere of the train car, the alcohol buzzing through their heads, or just their most recent snippet of conversation, but they both felt an odd rush at the proximity, the position they were in.

Izuku felt Katsuki harden below him and then a hand slip up his skirt to discover a distinct lack of underwear. The hand disappeared and then returned wet with saliva, Izuku leaned back, legs spreading, hips lifting as subtly as he could to allow Katsuki to toy at his rim, still stretched from a round of morning activities.

Katsuki's hand disappeared again, but then Izuku felt it working the blonde's fly open, pulling himself out but hidden just-so by Izuku's mini-skirt. It took some maneuvering, but then the train lurched and Izuku sank down suddenly. Both heroes bit back shouts at the shock of the sudden intrusion. It was really too dry, too fast to be enjoyable at first, but then the train's constant rocking and sway created a new pleasant motion.

The blond buried his face in the crook of Izuku's neck, nibbling and panting as he began to rock his hips, small thrusts up into Izuku's heat dragging little cut off moans from shorter man. That wandering hand edged up Izuku's skirt again, this time to wrap around Izuku's cock and slowly pump him, mostly letting the train do the work.

Each bounce of the train was a new sensation, both losing some of the control of their movement. For the most part, the crowd seemed oblivious, a few uncertain glances cast back their way before backs were turned.

Izuku spotted one young man watching with open interest, a hand down his pants as he enjoyed the free show. It should have made Izuku feel dirty, made him want to stop, instead he just clenched around Katsuki and moaned a little louder.

The movement was frustratingly not enough for either of them, both used to far more force during sex, but seemed to bring them to the precipice without ever letting them fall over the edge. When their stop came close, Katsuki reluctantly pulled out and tucked himself away.

Their apartment was a short walk from the train station, but they didn't make it there before giving in to baser desires. They were too busy stopping to kiss and grope and touch to make real progress in their walk, until finally Katsuki growled and pulled them into a slim alleyway where the dark of the night could hide them away.

Lifting Izuku up by his thighs, Katsuki pressed Izuku up against the brick wall. The shorter hero was all too happy to wrap his legs around the other's waist, his hands groping at Katsuki's strong shoulders as the blond pulled himself free and re-entered Izuku's tight ass.

Here, hidden away in a dank alleyway, they didn't hold back. Katsuki supplied more spit as makeshift lube but the sting remained, not that Izuku would change it if he could. Instead he let his head fall back against the brick, feeling the masonry scratch at the exposed portion of his back and catch at his hair. He moaned loudly, uncaring of who might pass by in the late night.

Just as uninhibited, Katsuki growled in response, hips and thighs working faster to bring himself to completion, already imagining the cum leaking down Izuku's leg as they finished their walk home. Keyed up as they were, it didn't take long for the blond to reach his climax. No longer focused on his own thrusting, he took a hand off of Izuku's thigh to reach into the skirt and work him over until cum shot over his hand as Izuku shouted his pleasure into the night.

Coming down from their high, the dangerous realizations of what they'd done starting to sink in, Izuku let out a frustrated groan, "Mina is gonna kill me if this stains."

Katsuki couldn't hold back his laughter.

What's A Little Kink Exploration Between Friends? by tumbleweedchaserWhere stories live. Discover now