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21 DAYS. chapter five
by Lienie 

"I don't recall introducing you to Xu, how'd you manage to send him the note?" As soon as you entered Xingqiu's room again, he asked, eyeing up on you while he rests on his bed. You closed the door behind you.

"Xiangling and Chongyun introduced him to me, earlier. Before you came home. They told me you were doing business with him." You replied as you sat down on the floor once again.

"Did they tell you something other than that?" 

Other than that? They told you he's good at swimming, why not ask that.

"They've told me a lot. About you." 

"Goodness..." he groaned, and brushed his hair back. "I do hope it's nothing embarrassing.."

"They told me that you dislike carrots." You blurted, he laughed awkwardly. It won't be that embarrassing for him, right? You're wrong. He's shy after hearing that from you. Who would've thought, the male you think was mature dislikes a vegetable that most kids dislike. It's like his image of being mature from your eyes went gone into thin air, that's what he felt. But as for you, you didn't really mind.

"I swear, I'm not a picky eater, my dear. It just makes me sick whenever I try to digest or eat them," "Right right."

"Oh. They also told me that you're good at swimming." 

"I won't deny that one."

You looked at him, and watch him chuckle at himself in proudness with the wet towel covering his eyes, half of his face. You could only see his grin. 

In which, you had grown to like after days.

"Where do you usually swim?" You asked.

"We have a pool, near the garage."

There was a pool? You asked yourself. How come you didn't notice..?

"Sometimes, I go to a beach near Liyue Harbor. Many people visits there because you can see many alcors coming home. It's really pretty there when the sun sets." He added.

"I wanna see that sunset."

"Let's go there sometime, you and I. It's not that far."

You and I.

Somehow, it made your heart flutter. His formal words and manners are very attractive in some way.

"We'll go there when you're not sick anymore." You slowly spoke, and yawned quietly. You leaned your back against the edge of the bed, feeling tiredness wash over you. 

"I'll make sure that'll happen. Not once, maybe thrice, I'll make sure we'll get there."

"Make sure.." you repeated, while nodding.

"I keep promises, don't worry." He then looked at you.

Your head cocked to the side, as your eyes fluttered slowly before you officially had drifted to sleep. You have fallen asleep. Xingqiu grabbed the towel on his forehead and tossed it somewhere, he continued to eye on you. He was waiting for the sign of you being totally asleep, he was waiting if your eyes will open again, if your sleep might be cut off. But you didn't opened your eyes, you stayed there, sleeping quietly, as you had your back curved against the edge.

He then stood up from his bed and moved to the floor, observing you one last time, he slipped his hand under your knees while the other one held your upper body close to his, carrying your figure to his bed. He mumbled, "I keep promises.. don't worry."

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