Entry #1: September 11, 2006

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Yesterday, Grandma Jones died. But she isn't gone. She's still here. She's a witch, shes never gonna really leave for good, I'm a witch too. Well, you probably know that. I'm also a vampire. You most likely know that too. Before grandma's 'death' she gave me a journal, this Journal, and she specifically told me "write about the biggest and smallest events in your life. Always speak the truth. Put down opinions, feelings, thoughts. Whatever you want" and then she 'died.' I just got home from another harsh day at school. I got bullied again. Like usual. Everyday this happens. Nobody at my school knows im a witch, or a vampire. Their never gonna know. My mom told me not to ever tell anyone, especially hunters or, werewolves. We have a large rivalry against witch hunters, vampire hunters and vampires. That's why my parents don't like my grandma, because after her and her husband split up, years after my mom was born, my grandma found new love, a werewolf. Tony Gracio. Tony was killed by his pack months after because he was in love with her. I still love my grandma, no matter my parents opinions on her. My mom told me to NEVER fall in love with a werewolf, or even be friends with one. I told her I wouldn't. Honestly, I don't care what a boy is, only how he is, his personality. Grandma is sitting on the couch watching me write this. "Hey grandma?" I said/asked. "Yes" she replied. "Why is it so bad to love a werewolf, why do werewolves and vampires hate eachother" I asked. She looked at me closer. "Well, that's a long story, let me tell you a tale from a long time ago that all young werewolves and vampires are told. Once, a long time ago, back in the 1700's, a vampire and a werewolf fell in love. No body cared back then. But something bad happened. The werewolf decided he didn't love her anymore so he killed her, he had so much fun doing that he killed many other vampires too. The vampires hated him so they decided it was because he was a werewolf that this happened. So, they decided to kill the werewolves. The werewolves thought it was because they were vampires that they were killing them. See, the vampires didn't know that the werewolf killed her cause he didn't love her anymore, and she loved him to much, she was too attached, he just couldn't tell her off, he thought it best to just kill her and stop her misery. And the werewolves, they didn't know that one from their own kind went on a vampire killer spree, so both kinds assumed bad. Something not the truth" she said. I nodded. I'm so curious about this. I'll be looking in on it soon. I might just use them as my school report if my teacher will let me. Well, until next entry, bye!!!!

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