Journal Entry #2: september 13, 2006

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I went to school. At the end of writing class when we were lining up to switch classes, I walked up to my teacher Mr. Fitzgerald. "Hey Mr. Fritz" I said. "Yes Edan" he replied. "Do you think, maybe, I could do my essay on the history and rivalry between Werewolves and Vampires" I asked. He looked at me. "Well, I don't really see why not. Actually, back when I was your age, I had to study and write a brief report on the rivalry and connection between Werewolves and Vampires and my opinions. Remember though, you have to put all the truth you can find and all the detail you can into this report. Also, remember, your going to have to read this to the school next Monday as well" he said. I looked at the ground then at him. "I know sir, and im prepared to bring all the knowledge and truth into this essay and read it loud and clear" I said. He smiled. "Good luck Edan" he said. "Thank you" I said. And with that I was off to my next class. Later on, when I got home, I got out books, and grandma, and wrote down everything as notes in my notebook. It was Sunday, tommorrow we have school, and the essay presentations. I've already written my report, I just had to type it in. Then Monday came, I had everything ready and together. I went to school. "Ah, Edan. Ready to present your hopefully fascinating Report" Mr. Fitzgerald asked. "Yep" I said. "Good" he said "come on then." He guided me to the back room next to the stage. I few others gave speeches, then it was my turn. "Its your turn Edan, go on now, and good luck" he said. I smiled and walked out onto the stage. I looked at everyone. I saw that my parents had decided not to come. I knew they wouldn't, they never do. But my grandma was sitting in the second row. She smiled at me. I walked up to the microphone and grabbed it, holding it tightly in my hand. I was nervous, kind of, but I knew I was ready to give this speech, I've been preparing all week. "Hello everyone" I said, I heard a wave of hello' s reply back, I continued "I'm Edan Jackley, today I'm going to be giving my report. My essay was on the the relationship and rivalry between Werewolves and Vampires. My essay also includes my opinion on this topic." I heard some laugh. My grandma was still smiling. "Ok. So, a long time ago, a werewolf, see, he fell in love with a vampire. Back in the time this happened, there was no rivalry, neither the vampires nor the werewolves cared about eachother or hated eachother. One day, the werewolf decided he didn't love the clingy vampire anymore. So, he killed her. He felt he had so much fun killing that one vampire, that he started killing more and more vampires. The vampires, they thought that the werewolves hated them so they went to attack and kill the werewolves. The werewolves assumed the vampires hated them so they fought back, killing more vampires. Know what you don't realize, and what most history books won't tell you, is that the vampires, they didn't know that it was all on that one werewolf, not all of them. They didn't know that the one werewolf just simply did not love the vampire anymore and she loved him just a bit too much. He didn't have the courage to break her heart so he just put her out of her future misery and killed her. They didn't know that after that he felt so proud killing a vampire he decided to kill more. And the werewolves, they didn't know about the killing spree that one of their kind did. My opinion on this is that werewolves and vampires should just stop fighting and become friends. Stop killing their own kind just because that person from their kind loved the other kind. They should just stop fighting and think about what really caused each side's judgement on the other, think about the truth of what happened" I said. Everything went silent, then there was clapping, lots of clapping. I liked around smiling. I noticed one boy, the most mysterious boy in school, Ryan Capaldie, staring at me. He was leaning against a wall, one foot touching the wall, the other on the ground. He wasn't clapping like everyone else, just staring, then he smiled slightly. Then he walked away slowly. I acted quickly. "Uh.....thank you for your time everybody, I, uh....gotta go" I said, then I rushed off the stage, through the back room, past Mr. Fitzgerald, not even letting him speak and out yo the exits, I saw Ryan. I ran up to him and grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving. He turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. His eyes were an unnatural, uncommon colour of gold mixed with red and brown. I could hardly catch my breath. "Who are you" I said, even though I kinda knew him "what are you." He looked at me and then put his mouth towards my ear. "I'm Ryan, Ryan Capaldie. Saturday night, meet me here" he said, handing me a paper, maybe a, restaurant flyer by the looks of it. I looked down and the paper and mumbled out the name of the place the paper said. "Ricardo's" I mumbled "what is this pla...." I continued saying until I looked up to see nothing, nobody there. I walked outside and noticed in the near yet far distance, Ryan, running very swiftly into the woods he looked back at me once then disappeared into the dark, misty woods. I had a clue of what h was, a thought. The golden, reddish, Brown eyes, how fast he was, him going into the woods instead of anywhere else. I was now certain he was a werewolf.

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