Journal Entry #4: September 20, 2006

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I was worried about Ryan. He had been taken to the police station, and maybe even prison. I haven't heard from him since that day. I was walking along the streets when I got pulled into an alley way and gently thrown up against a wall. There was some leaning onto me. I looked at him and laughed. "Ryan, I thought you got arrested" I said. He pulled away from me a bit to look at me. "I did, I got out" he said. We both laughed. We were smiling. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You know, your quite stupid for a werewolf" I said. "And your quite, umm....I got nothing, never mind" he said. I laughed. He kissed me. We pulled away and looked at eachother smiling. He let go of me and we stood there. "I want you to meet my family" he said. "But they'll hate me, im a vampire" I said. "How would you know. We have to at least try" he said. I looked at the ground. "Fine" I said. He grabbed my hand and led me through the woods to this large mansion. "Here we are. This is my home. Inside lives my mom, my step-dad. Younger brother and sister, their twins. My older sister, my baby sister. My younger half-brother and my older step brother and sister. Yeah, I have a huge family" he said. I laughed. He rang the awesome sounding doorbell. An older women answered the door. "Hello son" she said, she looked at me "and who is this." Ryan looked at me, then at her. "Mom, this is Edan. Edan Jackley. Now, please don't freak out" he said. "Well, nice to meet you Edan. And why would I freak out" she said. He looked at me then at her, again. He took a deep breath. "Edan, is......a vampire" he said. His mom seemed shocked and alert. She looked at me, then at him. " you love her" she said. "Yes" he said nodding. She looked at me again. "And do you love him" she said. I paused and thought for a minute. I do don't I. I really do. "Yeah, I do" I said. She smiled. "Well then, come on in" she said. We entered and a man walked towards us. "Allison, who is this" he said. Ryan's mom turned to the man. "Shawn, this is Edan, she's.....a vampire" she said. He looked at me then at her. "Do they love eachother" he said. She nodded. "Well then, hello Edan, I'm Mr. Capaldie, but you can call me Shawn" he said. "And you can call me Allison" Ryan's mom said. I smiled and nodded. We went into a room with alot of people in it. Two young kids stood up. "Hi, im Caddie, this is Blake" the little girl said. The little boy said hi. I smiled again. "Hello, im Edan" I said. "Well, you've met my little brother and sister. Now I'll introduce you too the rest" Ryan said, he began pointing to people as he said there names "that Rachel, my older sister. The one she's holding is my baby sister Issy. That's my younger half brother Luke. And that's Shawn, my step-dad's kids, James and Rue. Their older than me as well." I smiled as I met everyone. I tended to hang out with the younger kids more. It makes me feel like my little sister Delilah was still with us. She passed away a couple years ago during a fire in our old house. It was my fault, that's what I keep telling myself. I know it wasn't though. I miss her so much. I ate dinner at there house. It was good. Then my phone rang. I answered it. "Hello" I said. "Edan" my grandma said. I smiled slightly happy or wasn't my mom. "Hey grandma" I said. "Where are you" she said. "Umm...... I'm at Ryan's house, I met his family" I said. I could sense her smiling slightly. "So, they accepted you" she said. "Yep" I said. "Well, you need to come home, your dad just got home, he was drunk so he passed out on the couch, but your mom will be home soon, and she won't be to happy if your not home, I don't want you appearing with another bruise, Edan" she said. "Ok grandma, I'm on my way, love you, bye" I said "well, I have to leave, nice meeting you guys, b...but, my mom will be home soon, a..and my dad's drunk, so she and him combined when he wakes up won't be nice if their mad,, bye." I heard echoes of byes. I left. I got home on time and got in bed. I fell asleep, not bruised or hurt more. Thankfully. Today was a good day.

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