Chapter 4 the creaking (updated/ rewriten)

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Alex went to look behind him to see what caused the creaking noise. Amber's room door was slightly opened. Alex shrugged it off and thought the wind probably just blew it open.

"Good morning dad!" Alex said entering the kitchen

"Hey bud" Mark said while pulling the bacon out of the oven "how are you feeling?"

"Im...better now" Alex said in a not very believable tone

"Are you sure?" Mark placed the pan with bacon on it on top of the stove and looked back towards Alex.

"Mhm" Alex eyes drifted to the floor. Mark walked over to him and gave him a big old bear hug. Making Alex feel a bit better. "I'm ok dad, I'm ok" Alex reassured his dad.

"Okay then, let's eat before the food gets cold" Mark said making a plate of eggs and bacon with toast for himself and Alex. Alex sat at the table as Mark slid a plate in front of Alex. Mark then took a seat next to Alex and started eating his breakfast.

Just as Alex bit down on his toast he heard a bang on the wall he looked over and to his surprise Ambers room door had bashed off the wall hard enough to close itself. Alex looked puzzled but it didn't seem to faze Mark in the slightest. All Mark was focused on was the bacon that he was eating.

After breakfast Alex decided to go into Ambers room and check it out for anything that could've explained the door.  The only thing he found was her window had been opened. ( That's weird why the hell would her window be open?) Alex thought as he closed the window. Right as he was going to lock the window he heard a *tap tap tap* right behind him.

He whipped his head around and there was nothing there just a mirror. "Uhm h-hello?" Alex said not entirely sure what or who he was talking to. He sat their for as few minutes just waiting for anything at all. But nothing happens Alex decides to just leave the room and just ignore it.

Over the span of the next few days weird things keep happening in Ambers room and like the temperature is freezing, random object movements, and Alex could swear that someone or something had been chipping away at the paint on Ambers walls.

Alex and Mark we're at the table having dinner. Well Mark was, Alex was starring at his sisters door way and fiddling with his locket. "Al, what's up? You look very deep in thought." Mark had finally realized that Alex had been spacing out. "O-oh I uhm" Alex said snapping back to reality. "Have you noticed anything weird happening around here lately?" Alex asked his father. Mark raised an eyebrow and tilted his head looking at Alex. "Al, what do you mean weird?"

Alex sighed "like random things moving or something like paranormal?" Mark raised both his eyebrows at the comment and said "Al, you have lost your mind! Who would possibly be haunting us?!" Alex looked at his father and said "w-what if it's Am-" mark cuts him off "no Al you're grieving because you just lost your sister, and that's ok and normal, but I can assure you that she's not haunting us." "Yeah your right..." Alex sighed

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