My Theories

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Alright time for my theories. Keep in mind these are not cannon and they may not be correct-

In the second youtube video their is note that we suspect to say "I will return." It was confirmed that M posted that. M being "Emmit" is the person in the video. I believe the cult is trying to kill Emmit because they are trying to tell people something that the cult doesn't want to get out of. Emmit told me that they killed people for power but it soon became deeper than that. Emmit said they couldn't really explain it.

Emmit said that there was proof hidden in plain sight about the origin of the cult. I think it's the black text that you can see appear over the white text in the first youtube video. I can't seem to read it but maybe someone else can?

Edit on June 24, 2022 at 11:08 EST- 

Alright there seems to be something with crows. Emmit mentioned they had nightmares about crows pecking at him. The new Manager, Em, mentioned something about crows too. 

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Along with this message a link popped up in the description

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Along with this message a link popped up in the description. Its a countdown timer linked here- "My time is seeming to run low."

In two days Emmit is going to disappear. The note in the second youtube video is theorized to say "I will return." Maybe this is what the note meant. Emmits going to disappear for a little bit and come back. Or when Emmit says I will return, they might not be talking about themselves. "I" could also mean the anti cult people in general. Maybe it will be someone else?

(More will be added later)

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