!!Fake Lore!!

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Just putting this in the book. The  creator of the Arg put this message on the Cult_Of_devin account. The message reads as follows:

"((jeez.. i must admit, i am quite frustrated right now. A account by the name of @ALTER_EGO_EMMIT has shown up. This person is NOT part of the arg. I dont know who made the account, but they made it without consulting me first. I am a rather lax person when it comes to making plot decisions, just ask @Cult_of_Devin_HRD . But when someone does something this big without even asking me- I am fittingly frustrated. The only accounts that have confirmed lore are this one, @Cult_of_Devin_inc @Cult_of_Devin_HDR and @Anti_cult_M . The lore from @Alter_Ego_Emmit and @MoguIsSleepy (As Mogutan has done some false unrelated lore in the past) is false and unconfirmed.

Thank you for listening.. please talk to me if you find another account with 'lore' that isn't confirmed."

Please don't do fake lore and try to pass it off as real lore. Its puts more stress on the creator on the ARG.

Also if anyone need helps with the ARG (lore, solving lore, etc) I am willing to help, just ask.

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