Chapter 2

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Grian sighs, eventually calming down from a panic after realizing he just passed out. He covered the strange player, Xenrus, with the blanket. He doesn't exactly blame him for fainting like that. Especially since he's injured and all, but also because not many people realized that this is a server that started in Beta.

Truly, he was a mad lad for even making this idea become a reality in the first place. Yet at the same time, he faintly wondered what could have brought Xenrus to this server specifically. Regardless, he needed to find a way to carefully whitelist them just in case things went South. Especially with how dangerous Beta actually was back then, or currently, truly strange to think about isn't it.

Materializing the Admin panel before him once again, he went through Xenrus codes. Finding it mildly suspicious about how it was written in Galactic. Normally those whose codes are written in galactic are admins or potential admins. Yet, at the same time, it seems....different...

Grian couldn't exactly pinpoint just what exactly was off with the codes, but he wasn't going to pry too far into the codes. He rather not breach Xenrus privacy. Making the admin panel disappear for the time being, he looks back at Xenrus, then leaves the room. Being greeted by his friends that had waited outside the room in concern. "Is he alright?" Netty asked, Grian nodded. "He's alright now. Apparently he doesn't know how exactly he gotten onto the server, he thinks a Redstone error caused a explosion and some kind of glitches to make him end up here." He told them all, but Martyn narrowed his gaze at him.

"There's more isn't there?" He questioned with skepticism. Grian nodded, confirming that there was indeed more to it. "I can't tell if Xenrus is an Admin or an un-awaken admin." This stunned the group, the chances of finding an admin or an unawakened one is quite rare. Especially in a time such as this. Grian shudders to even imagine what could have happened had Xenrus been left in the portal hub instead of his server.

"Do we just keep him then?" Big B wondered, unsure whether or not the idea would be good or not. Grian just shrugged. "Do you guys want him to stay-"


Grian just stared at everyone, smiling in amusement. "Not surprised, guess we have a new member in the community family! By the way, did you guys get the clothes I asked for since Xenrus needs it?" Jimmy walked up to him with a few pairs of neatly folded clothes. "Yep! A bit hard to gather, but should be enough for the guy until we can make some that would fit or until we get to a update where portal hopping safe." Jimmy suggested, which he made a good point about.

They should probably do something about that since not only were they limited in resources, but they were limited with basic things.

Grian should have thought about this more often, but alas, his time messing up his thought process when he got this server started in the first place.

But then Martyn voices a very important question. "Where is he going to stay?" He wondered, everyone paused, wondering what to say in response to that, then they all stared at Grian. Who was baffled on why everyone was staring at him suddenly- then catch on to what they all are implying.

Startling him greatly at the idea. "Me?! Why! It would be better if he was with you guys though! Especially since I live so far away!" Grian Protested, especially since he was right about being quite far from spawn and that the others are more likely to help Xenrus adjust to the server and all while he goes to work on making sure that his coding was safe enough for the next update jump that was looming over them all.

Of course, everyone gave him unamuse looks. "Grian, you're the only one here that can actually heal the guy compared to us. Plus, you're the admin here, you have a responsibility to make sure that un-whitelisted players are kept under surveillance until further notice, right?" Zee commented with a simple smirk, Grian huffed. Thinking over it for a moment, but shakes his head. "Fine, I'll let them stay at my place, however! He would need to stay here for a little bit longer so I can make a room at my empire for them to stay in." Grian answered, but agreed nonetheless.

Although he wasn't kidding when he said he would need some time to build an area for Xenrus to stay in, he did only get the minecart station as his sorta home after all.

Martyn and Jimmy both nodded in understanding, same with the others who all nodded in agreement. "That works with us, also, Grian?" Tom asked, Grian looked at them in confusion. "Yeah?" "How do we, uh, explain the update portals to them? Or the Evo symbol." That left the whole group in silence.

They actually didn't think about that. Especially since they were the only server to even have this sorta thing.

What do they tell Xenrus?

"I guess we tell him after he gets adjusted to everything first?" Netty hesitantly suggested, they all thought about it, but it was probably the smartest choice they have really. "I guess we could go with that. I mean, it's not like they have any kind of important connection to it or anything." Martyn said with a shrug, they all just shrugged. It was a problem for their future after all.

Present them have work to do, which...speaking of work-

"I should get back to my empire before my 'Audience' decides to tell me to blow up stuff or prank you guys." Grian commented with a sheepish look as he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous laugh, looking away. "You too?!" Martyn and Jimmy commented at the same time- looking at each other in confusion. The others just laughed or giggled at the little interaction. But eventually, they all bid farewell to one another and went their separate ways, Jimmy and Martyn actually talking about what their 'voices' tells them.

With a small smile, Grian went to check up on Xenrus once more before heading on back to their soon to be great empire. 


Author Note: I just love how I'm watching Grian EVO series while actually writing this lmao- 

Anyways, anyone else wondered how everyone on Hermitcraft is handling the temporary loss of Xisuma while he's here? :D?


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