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October 8, 1990

I couldn't sleep. With someone like Eddie in my living room, how could I?

I sat up around 4 am, looking over at my clock, then the window, still no sun in the window for at least a few hours. I debated going out, but I was probably going to get harassed again, and I couldn't watch TV like I normally did because Eddie was there. I sighed and kicked myself out of bed, only wearing a big Grateful Dead shirt and my underwear. I crept silently into the hallway, barely opening my door, and had just made it to the bathroom when I heard a tired, weak voice.

"You're up, Mooney?"

I froze. "Uh, yeah. Did I wake you?"

"No, I couldn't sleep either." He sat up, resting his back on the arm of the couch. "Wanna watch TV?"

"Yeah, sure, let me just go to the bathroom first."

I finished up, shuffling into the kitchen as he switched the TV on, the local news anchor's face flashing across it. "Do you want coffee?" I asked, voice still groggy.

"That would be great, yeah. Black, please."

"Got it. I make mine the same."

I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. "So we're both freaks like that?"

"Yeah, I guess so. When I moved in, I used to eat breakfast with him every morning, and he found out that I drank black coffee, I thought he was going to lose his mind. He drinks it so light and sweet that it's barely coffee anymore." I returned to the couch, handing him a mug and sitting next to him.

He laughed. "Back home I'm too fuckin' poor for creamer and sugar, so..."

I giggled. "I was a lazy teenager, so I would just take it black with me to school. I couldn't get up without it, still can't." I sighed. "Did you like everyone yesterday?" I tucked my feet under me.

"Yeah, everyone was really great. I think it's really cool that you're alright with me staying here for a little bit."

"Oh, it's nothing. I've got people all the time. I swear to God, he has friends everywhere, and then he makes them all stay here."

"Yeah, me too. It's weird, I'm so quiet, but I know everyone."

"Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. Stone does all the talking for me." I turned my head. "Oh, speaking of Stone," I said, pointing to the door. The handle was fidgeting left to right until the door opened, the harsh light of the hallway silhouetting his drunken figure.

"Hey, guys."

Eddie waved slightly. "Hey, Pebble. You're out late," I said with a harsh tone. "Why are you here?"

"S-sorry, I was just, y'know, out. Can I... talk to, you?"

I grumbled and pushed myself up as Eddie watched, making my way into my bedroom, and slamming the door. "Are you going to apologize?"

"No, Luna, I barely started."

"Stone, I'm not fucking doing this. You're drunk, Eddie's sitting outside, and you've been out all night."

"And I'm pissed off, so sit down." I shut up, sitting on the end of my bed as he loomed over me. "Are you using him to fill the void already?"

"Stone, I talked to him twice."

"You need to stop, Luna. I don't want what happened with Andy to happen agai-"

And I blew up.

"Again? You're blaming me for Andy? ANDY WAS NO ONE'S FAULT! ANDY WAS A GODDAMN FUCKING ACCIDENT THAT NO ONE COULD HAVE STOPPED BUT HIM. We were still friends, Stone. Everyone needs to stop fucking blaming me for that! It wasn't my fault! The only fucking person who believes me was his best friend, not mine. So shut your fucking mouth. I'm not gonna kill Eddie. I'm not gonna date Eddie. And if you keep acting like this, I'm gonna quit the damn band." I stood up, walking to the door. "And don't tell me to sit down with that tone again, you'll be dead before you can blink." I swung it open, slamming it in his face. Eddie turned around, watching me storm into the bathroom to put on pants.

"Hey, where are you going?" He called down the hallway.

"To a friend's place. I'll see you later, alright? Make sure he gets to bed okay." I hung in the doorway, eyeing the bedroom door and waiting for him to pop out to apologize. He never did.

"Hey, wait. Are you okay?"

I sighed, turning back around. "Yeah. He gets like this. It's fine."

"Alright. I'll see you this afternoon, then."

"Yeah. Thanks." I opened the door quietly, slipping into the hallway and down the stairs until I found the payphone on the corner, dialing the familiar number.

"Mmm, hello?"

"Can I come over?"

"At 4 am? Did you and Stone fight again?"

"Yeah, and I have that guy Eddie at the house. I just can't be next to him while he has the key, he's not thinking right. Please? I'll make Eddie stay with Jeff if I need to."

"Yeah, alright. Just buzz twice."

"Thank you, Chris."

Stargazer (Eddie Vedder)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن