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July 1, 1992

"Fuck, this place has high ceilings. Good acoustics, too."

"Stone, we're not recording the next album in my house." I walked behind him with a large box in my hands as he took in my new house for the first time. The whole band had promised Eddie and me that they would help us move, and here they were, begrudgingly, on the first day of July.

Which happened to be the hottest of the entire year.

The walls were painted a faint blue by the previous owners, which looked really nice with the dark wood floors. I looked around, deciding if I needed to change anything. If we were being honest, it was all perfect in my mind. I didn't give a damn what the house looked like, only that we had a house.

Mike and Jeff were the next ones in the house, both holding boxes and dripping with sweat. I watched Eddie through the window, who was still speaking with the realtor.

He had canceled the summer tour shortly after the Unplugged aired, claiming that we were exhausted, which was true, but I knew he was antsy to move into the house. It was all he talked about for months, what color we would paint the walls, what we would furnish with, all of it. He was obsessive about this damn property.

Stone promptly followed me outside to the truck where one of the couches that we had recently bought sat, waiting for us to unload. I was the first in the truck, heaving and wobbling out of it. I looked over at Eddie, who smiled. "Hey, come here when you're done, alright?"

I nodded, huffing as we squeezed the couch through the front door and sighed as we dropped it in the family room. Stone immediately laid down on it, wiping sweat off his brow with his shirt, which received a swift kick in the leg from me. I soon bounded outside, tightening my ponytail. I shook hands with the realtor. "This is your fiance, I presume?" He asked Eddie.

"That's me. A pleasure to finally meet you."

"Right, well, I'm sure you two will be more than comfortable here. It's a big house, you'll have plenty of room."

I smiled sweetly. "Counting on it. After years of being cooped up in a tiny apartment by myself, I'm ready for this. If you'll excuse me."

"Of course." I ran off to the truck, helping Mike with a chair.

"You're sure about moving like this, Mooney?"
"What do you mean?"

He watched me with a concerned look as the door came through the door. Stone and Jeff were already smacking each other with pillows. "Like, will you be able to manage a house and a new marriage while touring?"

"Watch it, we aren't married yet," I said with a sharp tone as we dropped the chair. "I'm not that worried. I think we'll be able to do it, he's a damn smart man."

"Yeah, you're right. At least I have a nice place to crash at when my roommate and I fight rather than your smelly old place."

"I didn't make it smell like that. I'll make the guest room smell too if you aren't careful." He held up his hands in mock surrender as we walked out to the truck to gather the last of the things.

It was well past sunset when we had unloaded everything off the truck, and the five of us sat on the floor of the dining room eating Chinese food out of takeout containers. It was quiet except for the occasional chew or giggle from the silence.

"Are you guys gonna be alright in this big house? You might need roommates..." Stone started. I rolled my eyes, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Yeah, I think we're alright, Peb, really," I said.

"You sure about that?" He narrowed his eyes playfully. I flung a piece of noodle at him with my chopstick, and he caught it in his mouth, eliciting a cheer from Mike.

"Are you guys having a housewarming thing or whatever?" Jeff asked.

Eddie looked at me, shrugging. "Y'know what, we didn't think about it. Everything's been so shit with her getting out of her rent and actually getting into here... Probably. What do you think?"

I looked up cluelessly, a mouthful of food. "Hmm?"


"Oh, yeah," I nodded violently. "Yeah, we should do that. I know I don't have many friends, but we can make it like an engagement thing, too."

"Can I plan it?" Stone asked, eyes wide.


"Can I?"

"Really? Actually?"

He smiled widely. "Yeah, I mean, it could be fun. We could invite, like, Chris, Layne, Jerry, those people. Is that-"

"Yeah. No, yeah, I'd like that. Thank you, Stone."


I smiled down into my food, feeling the humidity in the air. We had opened all the windows in the house, hoping to air out the smell of cardboard, but instead, it made the house feel sticky, warm, and summery. Not in a good way.

Jeff pushed himself off the ground. "Hey, I'm gonna hit the road, alright? Call me if you guys need any help with anything, just call, got it?"

I stood up, popping up on my toes to hug him. "Yeah, I got it. Love you, man."

"Love you, too, Mooney. I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks, Jeff," Eddie said, hugging him as well.

As he left, the door swinging closed behind him, Mike stood as well, saying his goodbyes and following Jeff out.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Stone asked, heading for the door. I nodded, gulping and following him out. I mentally prepared myself, praying this would be a good conversation. We stopped on the porch, a rush of wind hitting us. "I'm sorry for all the bullshit, man. I really do feel bad."

My eyes widened. "I never thought you would apologize, out of everyone."

"Yeah, well, uh, suckin' up my pride, I guess. I really did put you through shit after Andy, and it was unfair. But you snapped back. I'm proud of that."

"You are?"

"I taught you right after all those years of getting teased at school. You're a damn badass, Luna."

"Well, thank you, Pebble. I have to be in order to deal with your loud ass."

He smiled, crossing his arms under his armpits. "Yeah. But, uh, I'm sorry I got pissy about you and Eddie. He's right for you."

"I know."

"He bought you a house. I know you loved Andy and all, but he was nothing compared to what Eddie's going to be for you."

"I know."

"I love you, Mooney. Don't forget that, alright?" He hugged me, nearly lifting me off the ground with his squeeze. I watched him get into his car, leaning against a post on the porch as he pulled away. I heard the door open, Eddie's arms snaking around my wrist.


"Well, I think we've been Stone-approved."

He grinned, kissing behind my ear. "Thank God for that."

"Thank you, Eddie. For everything." I turned around, facing him and putting my arms around his neck. Our foreheads touched lightly.

"Luna, you know I would have done it anyway. You're my love. I can't do it without you."

"Well, better hop to it, lover boy. We have to set up the bed before I pass out." 

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