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Nights like these
These are the nights
Sleep does not greet me
I might have nightmares
Some may be of you
Or the things you gave me
Oh how they plague me
Nights like these
These are the nights
I think death might
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited
I'd be lying if i said I wasn't scared
I'd also be lying to say I didnt want to bring you with me
I'm not sure if it's obvious but I hate you
You ruined me
In too many ways
Nights like these
These are the nights
I find it hard to love myself
Hard to like myself
I find it hard to believe in it
You helped create me
Who am I say I love you when I never even knew that from you
You helped create me
But you couldn't even manage to love me
Do you not like the sight of me
Do I remind you of an accident
NIghts like these
These are the nights
When I curse your name
When I can barely remember your face
But can still remember the pain you caused me
The pain I'm still enduring
The pity i'm receiving
Because you couldn't be a fucking father
Though that's nothing new
You claim to be a father but you' re not
Just because you're with them doesn't make it true
What about me!
The baby you abandoned
NIghts like these
These are the nights
I find it easier to fall asleep
Fall asleep to the sound of death
Fall asleep to the sound of my sobs
But I guess I still don't get any
I'll never forgive you
But you wont know that
You don't know me
You never did. But you knew of me
And for that I'll never forgive you
NIghts like these
These are the nights
I know I was never meant to be your daughter
And that I'll never get any sleep

Poetry From a Dying MindWhere stories live. Discover now