I slightly turned my head, making eye contact with him. My lips part softly as I got a good look at his eyes. They were different than usual, they were now dark and sensual. His sharp eyes didn't break from mine as his hand on my stomach paused, and...
🖋Real girls are never perfect and perfect girls are never real- unknown🖋
Niaras POV:
I sigh and face plant into my bed. There's is yet another dinner party tonight.
I didn't plan on going but turns out my dad actually called in the middle of his business trip, just to tell me to go.
Plus I think Jackie will be there too..
But the problem is that it's at Mr. Donovans house. I'm not exactly over the embarrassment of what happened last time.
I talked to Jackie about it and she said to just dress cute and forget it ever happened, and it doesn't sound like a bad idea. A nice outfit can make anyones mood better.
Jackie hasn't decided whether she wanted to go or hang out with Vivian. It would suck if she didn't go but I would still have Calumn... even though I still suck at talking to guys.
"Niara stop moping around, what has gotten into you today?" Ms. Marie says as she enters my room.
I sat up in my bed, a pout still evident on my face "Nothing.."
She walks over to my bedside table and sets down an orange juice, I prefer apple but orange is good too.
"Hurry up now, you have about an hour to get ready."
My eyebrows shoot up, I hadn't been paying attention to the time.
Ms. Marie leaves my room and I shoot up from my bed, heading straight for my walk in closet.
I decided on a cute floral dress that came mid thigh, and I threw a white cardigan over it.
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I look in my mirror, twirling a bit so see how it looks from the back. I'm pretty satisfied, it's a cute dress.
After spending about thirty minutes on my hair and makeup I decide I'm finished.
It's not the most formal outfit bit it's also not like I'm going to a ball.
Speaking of balls.. I wonder when we'll have one. Usually we have one yearly so it should be coming up soon.
A knock sounding from my door broke me out of my thoughts. I quickly waltz over and pull the door open.
"Your car is ready ma'am" one of the butlers say with a small bow.