Chapter 18: Touch

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🖋Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are - Unknown🖋

Niara's POV:

My body felt heavy, I very desperately needed some place to sit down.

Somewhere away from all the burning gazes that weren't actually on me. But social anxiety is a bitch.

Eventually I found a lounging room that had a large white couch and a big flatscreen TV on the wall. I sighed in relief at the empty room, taking a seat on the soft couch.

I prefer being alone, nothing but my own thoughts to listen too. I could get carried away for hours and hours about the most random things. Sometimes I feel like my brain works faster than my mouth, I always catch myself saying dumb things, or being way too honest and only realizing after it has come out of my mouth.

I often wonder if people find me annoying because of this. I never know people's true intentions because everyone is nice to me because of my father.

You're probably thinking 'oh how terrible, people are nice to the rich privileged daddy's girl'. But is it wrong to want at least an ounce of honesty for once? I know I'm privileged and people have it way worse than me. I never try to complain because I know some people would kill to have the life I have.

But under all of the money and clothes I'm just a girl who wants to be seen for me, not my father, and not the money that has been branded onto my family's name.

I hate feeling lonely. I love being alone though.

But these things are different, being alone is freeing and honestly a relief from being social with anyone. But being lonely makes me feel helpless and like no one needs me. Deep down I know that's true though, I don't benefit anyone. I'm just a girl who got lucky in life, I'm nothing special.

I wish I was special. I wish someone looked at me as if I was the most important thing in the world.

This is probably cringey but I also want to find someone who means more than the world to me. I find it so fascinating when people have someone to devote their time too. I want that. I want to have a mutual love and bond with someone. I would devote all of my time and energy into that person, I don't really have much else to do with my free time anyways.

My eyes began to feel heavy, I lay my head down on the arm of the couch. It was soft.

I curled up my legs to my chest, closing my eyes that were becoming to heavy to keep open.


My eyes pried open slowly, feeling a soft fuzzy fabric laid over my body. A blanket.

I peered out to the dark room in front of me, it was quiet. Definitely too quiet for a party.

I looked around me desperately for my purse. Crap, I must have left it in the kitchen. I hope no one stole it, although there isn't much in there besides my phone, a emergency tampon, and some band aids. If someone did take my purse I hope they can benefit from the band aids in case they get hurt. I made sure to buy the cutest ones I saw. It had a beat pattern and the background was a baby blue and small yellow stars.

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