Writers Block

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WingsofDarkness99 asked the question "Have you ever encountered writer's block? If so, how did you push past it?"

Thanks so much for this question! I'm going to come at it a couple of different ways, because, YES, absolutely I have encountered writer's block, and in some ways I feel like I deal with it every single day. Writing is such a weird thing because while it does require a lot of hard work, and time, I also think it does take being in a certain creative mindset. I think sometimes people dismiss that when they say things like "oh, a plumber doesn't get plumber's block (or if he does that's something very different haha) so why should a writer get writer's block?" But writing requires more than just "work" it also requires creativity and joy and tapping into your project and your zone when life sometimes is trying to do everything to stop you from doing that. 

So here are some of the things I do to combat writer's block. 

1) I try to be kind with myself. And sometimes that means I don't write that particular day. I once had a lot more time on my hands, and a lot less stress, before kids and Covid and the whole world felt like it was burning, and now I just have to realize that this season of my life is a very busy and stressful one. Not every season in my life will be like this, so I have to honor that. I don't have as much time for writing as I did when I was in college, so I have to be kind to myself, and extra dedicated when I do get time to work. 

2) Don't compare yourself to others!! Don't compare yourself to other writers on Wattpad, other published writers, other people you meet who write, etc. Comparison is the thief of joy. I can't tell you how many times I've finished reading a published book and thought, WOW, that was amazing, I will never be as good as this author. I have to try and disconnect myself from those thoughts, because that comparison leaks into my writing times and makes me feel inferior and incapable. Try to remember that this is your own journey, and only you can write your story.

3) Have some kind of exterior accountability.  When I first started posting on Wattpad, I had readers who were waiting for the newest chapter every Friday. It was a HUGE motivator to know that people were waiting for my story. Now I'm in a different phase of life, and I have an editor who needs my second book (The Last City, which you can preorder now!) by a certain deadline so that the book meets all of it's publication deadlines. You could also find this with a writing group, or freind, or class. I think it's good to have a little exterior pressure to help you keep pushing forward when it's hard. It's also great to have other people who understand writing who you can talk to/whine when things get hard, and who can encourage you. I've met some of my best writing freinds on Wattpad and they are always the first people I go to when I need advice or encouragement. 

4) Have a writing zone/ brief writing ritual I didn't used to do this, but now that I have kids, I like to try and get out of the house when I write. I'll go to a coffee shop or my local grocery store and sit outside and put on headphones, and order something to drink. For me this just helps me to get into my writing zone, and not be distracted by all the dishes laundry, etc, that needs to be done in my house. 

5) Refuel and refresh yourself. Have times when you aren't writing, and aren't thinking about writing! I'm so guilty on not doing this well. Sometimes it feels like if I'm not thinking about writing, or actually writing, I'm thinking about how I should be posting on social media TO PROMOTE MY WRITING. Remember to take breaks and refuel and replenish your soul and creative well. I posted a picture above of my and my husband at Redfish Lake, with the Sawtooth Mountains behind us. It's a beautiful place that helps me recharge and take a break from everything. 

I'm sure I have some others, so i will add to this later! Let me know if you have tips for how you deal with writers block!

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