How to be a successful writer and how to make tons of money fast

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So random musings I've had as I'm working on finishing The Last City... 

How to be a successful writer: Only you can determine what success is to you. So set a goal that is actually achievable and within your own power and then take small steps to achieve it. Don't set goals like "Make the New York Times Bestseller List" because that isn't within your power (It's a curated list, and dependent on luck as well as skill.) So set goals like "Write one short story a month" or "Find joy in my writing every month." If you define what success is, then you can control your success. 

Learn to love writing and understand that the try joy of writing isn't the end book, it's the process of creating something new unique to you. We live in a world that is all about consuming more and more (and in shorter and shorter segments it feels like?). Be proud of yourself for creating something that only you made. Writing is incredible and unique--you can build an entire world and people, and then transport those peoples and worlds and stories into someone else's head. Don't lose the magic and wonder there is in that. 

How to make tons of money fast: Rob a bank. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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