Blue Roses pt. 2

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I didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes

Gia T.

It took a lot of convincing of both parts. Mine and his, but we are finally here in LA.

"Mama, Where Blue at?" Jay asked, pushing his roller backpack

"He should be here any minute bubba" I said grabbing mine and Laila's luggage off the conveyer belt

"I can get my own stuff Gia" Laila huffed grabbing her bags

"No, not when your carrying my little pumpkin in there" I said pointing to her stomach and walking towards the Exit

"MAMA, MAMA LOOK!" Jay said tugging my pants

I turned around and Chris was there with a neon ass sign that said

'Welcome to LA Jay Boogie"

Jay ran straight towards him and jumped, while Chris picked him up

I thought that was pretty cute

"Hey y'all" Chris said hugging us and grabbing out bags, but I keep mine

I didn't want him holding everything

"Hey Chris, thanks for letting us stay with you" I said as he led us out to his car

As soon as we stepped out mad paparazzi swarmed us

"Its nothin, I actually wanted y'all here" he said handing the bags to his body guard I think

"Yeah thanks again Chris" Laila said

He simply nodded and we drove in silence, but it was a comfortable silence

Jay was already dozing off, since it was a pretty long flight

I say about 20 minutes later, he pulled into this luxurious house.

Like it looked like a damn celebrities house would look, minus the paintings.

"Wow Chris, your house is gorgeous" Laila said in awe of everything

"Thanks, preggo" he said side hugging her and we all walked into the house

She smacked her teeth and went upstairs

"Wait Laila Im playing!" He shouted but she was long gone

"Imma take him to the room" Chris said carrying a sleeping Jay up the stairs

I walked into his living room
and looked at all the paintings he had lying around

"Like what ya see?" Chris voice said scaring the shit out of me

"Yea, these are hella dope, and the colors are super vibrant" I said looking at one with numerous monster faces

"I kinda speak through my paintings" he said scratching the back of his neck

"I can tell" I said

It became silent between us.

"Do you wanna take your bags upstairs or?" He asked

"Oh yeah" I giggled and followed him upstairs

"Well, I figured you and Jay would wanna sleep together" he said showing me to the room were Jay was sleep in

"Yeah, he's my bubba" I said setting my bags down, and kissing his forehead before we walked out

We went into his room and I flopped down on his bed

"I need to vent Blue" I sighed

"Talk to me Gia Pia" he said

He has been calling me that since the club incident

"Ok first, I literally haaattteeee living with Laila" I said

"Why? I thought y'all were getting along"

"We are, its just I hate living off of people. Especially her, since she pregnant and all"

He nodded and motioned for me to continue

"Which brings me to my next point, she is pregnant with a baby she cant even stomach because of the man she was with"

"But G, why is this your problem?? I get she is your sister but why does it really matter?"

"Because Chris, I know how it feels to have a baby that your not ready for or that your weren't even willing to have"

"What do you mean, not willing to have?" He questioned

"Nothing, never mind" I mumbled picking at my fingers

Nobody but Lauren knows what happened between me and Terrance and I wanna keep it that way

I don't want anyone to think I love my baby any less because of the past

"No G, what were you sa-" he got cut off by my phone ringing

I held my finger up and mouth 'sorry'

"Hey Lauren" I smiled because we haven't talked in forever

"Bitch, you will never guess who showed up today at Terry's house"

"Who muthafucka?" I said

"Terrance ole ugly ass"

As soon as she said his name I froze

"Giiiiaaaaa" she said on the other side of the line

"Imma call you back"

"Ok, Gia dont trip baby momma" she said

"Alright bye" and I hung up

I dropped my phone on his bed and my lips began to tremble

He is the only person who has this effect on me

"Aye Gia you ok?" Chris asked looking up from the TV

"I- um I dont think so" I said lowly as a tear tried to escape

Fuck G, suck this shit up,

'Dont cry' my brain kept shouting at me

"Gia, whats the matter?" He said giving me his full attention

"I just wanna go to sleep" I mumbled about to get up

"Stay in here with me" he said grabbing my hand

I sighed

"I need my clothes Chris"

He got up and grabbed a shirt

"It will prolly fit you big so" he handed it to me and I went to change

I quickly changed out if my clothes and slipped on his shirt, which smelled like him

I turned off his light then slipped into his bed

I turned around so I was facing him

"Thanks Chris" I said

"For what?"

"Being there for me"

"Shut up thanking me Gia" he copied me from the last time

I laughed and tucked my head in his neck

We soon fell asleep in that position

Gia in the multimedia

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