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Chris B.

This shit just happened so fast

Within a blink of an eye, Gia was on a stretcher and being taken in for immediate surgery

As soon as she dropped the mail, and ran out in the street, a truck who had ran a stop sign, hit G and threw her 20 feet

Honest to god, that was the scariest thing I have ever seen

Once I called 911 and the driver got out to check on her, I found out the driver was only 17 and texting

She was going above the sped limit, which was 30 mph and she was going 45

Now Laila, Jay, and I are here sitting in the waiting room hoping for good news

"Laila, she said she missed something, and she never forgot a year?" I asked puzzled

"April 11, t-thats when our mo-mom passed away" she said in between sobs

"Im so sorry Laila" I said bringing her into a needed hug

"Usually Gia, is the strongest one. Her and my m-mom were s-so close" she cried

"What did she miss? Is it like an anniversary?" I asked rubbing her back for comfort

"Gia, visited my mom's grave site every year. She never missed it" she said holding onto Jaylin

"That explains her brothers call" I mumbled

"Adrian called her?" She asked

I just nodded and she pulled out her phone

"Chris, Keep an eye on Jaylin please" she said and walked towards the restroom

"Hey Boogie" I said while Jay stared into space

His expressions said it all

"You know, one time I went to the hospital for breaking my arm" I said trying to brighten the mood

It didn't really seem to be working

"Blue, is mama ok?" He asked on the verge of tears but he wouldn't let them fall

I've noticed that him and Gia dont show their emotions, I mean Jay will fuss and whine but I rarely seen him cry

"Boogie, your mama is probably one of the strongest women I know, she got this" I said doubting my own answer

I know this her situation is very severe

He nodded, yawned and then crawled into my lap

Taken aback by his actions, I just wrapped my arms around him

He is fragile, and comfort is key

"Family of Gia Tyler" Dr. Graywall, her doctor, said

"Thats us" I said laying Jay's head on my shoulder

"Are you immediate family?" He asked

"Im her husband, and this is our child" I said, making something up, because I know he wouldn't let me in if we were not related, or together

"Ok, well Gia, is in critical condition, due to how far she was thrown. She is suffering from severe head trama, a broken leg, and is currently in a medically induced coma" he explained

I sighed deeply

"Can we see her?" I asked hopeful

"Yeah, just follow me" he said leading us to her room

I quickly sent a text to Lai, telling her we could make visits

"I'll leave you guys alone" he said before we walked in

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