Atlanta to LA

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If you didn't catch in the last chapter, Laila is having a boy, comment or message me for some baby names

Chris B.

As soon as I got back to LA, I immediately fixed my house up to accustom the family lifestyle

I would have just moved into a much bigger house but it was such short notice, that I had to just make sacrifices

I mean I have plenty of rooms, that isn't a problem but I knew there was certain things a family house had

For example, I cleaned out my art room and turned into a play room for Jaylin, since it's right next to his actual room

I just moved all my art stuff to the garage because it wasn't safe to paint right next to his room because of the fumes and stuff

I put all my weed and liquor into a safe with a lock, so he can't get into it

Couldn't afford him getting hurt on my watch

He called me earlier and I told him how he was gonna move in with me and he was pretty happy, I mean from what I can tell he was

But he was also sad because he couldn't take every single one of his toys, soooo me being a sucker for a sad face, my wallet had a little fun at Toys R Us

Anything for my Boogie, but I didn't forget about Gia either

It's gonna be a change because she isn't gonna be sleeping with Jaylin anymore so I added a couple features to my room just for her

Like in my bathroom, while I was gone, I had Ty, because he is the only nigga I trust with the keys to my house, I had him call my carpenter come and install a makeup counter in there

She was telling me how she also really likes cooking so I also had Ty tell the guy to expand my kitchen for her

I just want them to feel comfortable and now with this stalker shit, I gotta get a stronger security system

Today was the day that they flew out here

Laila told me that she already has a condo out here, and since she is a real estate agent, she got Lauren a quick apartment

My sisters were set and ready to go

Now all I need is for them to get here

Gia T.

"Mama we see daddy?" Jay asked for like the 30th time today

"Yes Bubba, now let me get you dressed" I said picking out his outfit

I wanted him to be comfortable since we are gonna be on the plane for a while so I grabbed his black and gray joggers, a black shirt and his Air Jordan flip 3's

"Mama I like these ones" Jay said pointing to his new shoes

That's one thing you can say about me, I make sure his sneaker game remains on point

"Yeah, mama does too" I said

I was dressed in a white tank top, light blue jeans and Nike Air Max 90 with the Velcro

Chris has the same exact pair, he even posted them on Instagram

Any who, I wore a sloppy bun on my head and my Bestsy Johnson glasses on my face

Laila and Lauren were both wearing sundresses

We packed as much clothes we could fit into our suitcases and the rest will be shipped to us in LA with everything else

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