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I turned around and looked at her like she was crazy. I had to make sure I heard her right.
Me: What you just said?
Faith: You heard me nigga. I'm not repeating myself.I tried to keep a straight face and show her that I wasn't worried at all about her being pregnant but she could tell that I was bluffin'. Shit for all I know my heart was racing 100 times faster than It usually does. I felt my palms get sweaty.
Me: You lyin'. .
Faith: That's the problem. Im not.
I didn't check if she was on BC and fatboy had offered a condom but i didn't think i was going to hit. But i did. Im Upset that I didnt borrowed a condom from a friend, and upset that I was stupid enough to sleep with my girlfriends cousin. That was the dumbest mistake I ever made in my life. I had to make sure this bitch kept her mouth shut.
Me: I'm taking you to get checked tomorrow. First thing in the morning.
Faith: There's no need to do that. You're the only nigga I slept with in two months. Your the daddy alright.
Me: You better be ready.I was about to come over there and punch her in the throat but Ray came outside.
Ray: Yo David, yo girl lookin' for you.I went back inside the house but I gave Faith a look. After I went inside Ray looked at Faith and shook his head.On my way dropping Samantha off at her house I was fighting myself If I should tell her the truth about what happened to me and Faith and that I could possible be the father of her child. Samantha knew me very well and could tell that somethin' was bothering me.Samantha: Baby what's wrong?Me: Nothing. Just got a headache.Samantha: Want me to make It go away?She started rubbing my thigh and then reached for my crotch. I started getting on hard, but then Faith came into my mind.Me: Not right now baby.Samantha looked at me suprised.

We finally pulled up into her drive way. She turned around in the seat to look at me.
Samantha: No seriously what's wrong with you? Why you acting like this? Did I do something?
Me: No..You didn't do anything.
Samantha: What is It?I was about to tell her the truth but suddenly bright lights. It was Faith getting dropped off by a friend.
Me: I'll tell you later.
Samantha: Okay baby.She gave me a kiss and stepped out of the car. I pulled out the drive way. As I passed Faith we made eye contact. I narrowed my eyes at her.Like I said the next morning I came around the house to pick up Faith at nine thirty. I knocked on the door and waited for Faith to answer the door. A few minutes later she did. She was still in her pajamas.
Me: Why the hell you not ready?
Faith: I told you there is no need for me to get checked.

I didn't feel like arguing with her early this morning and she as already giving me a hard time.
Me: I promise you, you have five minutes to get ready or I'll drag yo ass to the doctors.
Faith: Oh we'll see about that!Samantha came downstairs and saw me and Faith arguing.
Samantha: What the hell going on? David why are you hear?
Me: I uhh came to talk to Faith....about uhh this....project we had to do for school..
Samantha: At this time of the morning?
Me: Yeah. The earlier we start the faster we get done. Isn't that right Faith
Faith: You might as well tell her the truth?Samantha: Tell me the truth? David what she sayin'?
Me: I don't know what she's-----
Faith: We slept together, and I'm pregnant Samantha!
Samantha points her finger and her lips part as if she were going to break the silence, only to close and her fingers turned into a fist. She looks at Faith and then Me. Then quietly turns around and walks into her room.
Me: look what you did dumb bitch
Before i went to follow Samantha.
When i hit the corner to Samantha's room i met face to face with a raised gun.

The look of disbelief and shock on his eyes were funny. It was as if i was looking into a mirror of the moment i found out my cousin was fucking my man.
Daniel: Baby please i didn't want to hurt you. This bitch ain't shit.
Faith: bitch? You wasn't saying that when you was busting inside me.

Me: Did you actually think i was not bout to find out?
I released the safety which quickly gained their attention.
Daniel: please don't do this. This is not the way to handle this.

Me: Fuck up nigga, Fuck you! You dont have the right to tell me what to do and what not to do. I'm running this shit! Do you see this barrel? Remember this shit. Cause this will be the last thing you ever gon see. I hope the pussy was worth it. I raised the gun and and emptied five shots . The blood splashing everywhere was something i would never forget.
Me: and you bitch... *Moving closer to Faith, who was too scared to run*
I pressed the gun to her stomach and empties the remaining 7 shots.
Blood supposed to be thicker than water ho.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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