30. As it Was

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Off-track shot. Set pre/post show times (non-redux). 


The winds howled outside, rattling the hospital windows as the storm raged faster than ever outside. Inside Mumbai's largest hospital, the scene was quite similar as Shakti paced up and down the corridor nervously, his brother was sat on the hospital seat hand in hand with his bhabi. The arrival of his first child into this world had left him shaking because the baby was far too early. He hoped and prayed silently that this would not complicate the child's health in any way. This was to be the first Oberoi grandchild, his child would eventually inherit their ever-growing business. Moments later, the door opened and the doctor stepped out, he could not make out the expression on her face, was it worry or fear?

"What happened doctor?" he asked unable to hear a child's cry as fear gripped his insides. 

"It is a boy Mr. Oberoi," she whispered fearfully, "the baby is premature and needs to be shifted into an incubator. You'll be able to take them home in a few weeks." 

Shakti felt as if the ground beneath his feet had disappeared, his mind was racing as he fell into the chair nearest him. Faintly, he saw his bhabi speak to the doctor while his brother moved to console him. He had a son, he had become a father, the realization coursed through him and he felt giddy with delight. But the baby had been early, that would mean that the child would be fragile, no, his son would fight, he was sure of it. He felt a clap of his shoulder but he barely acknowledged the grin on Tej's face and asked if he could go see Pinky and his son. She nodded but asked him to be quiet as both were asleep. 

Nodding, he pushed the door open and saw the small crib behind Pinky's bed. She looked awfully tired and he decided to let her rest, eyes falling finally onto his son's. The baby was bundled in a small blue blanket, his eyes closed as he moved around restlessly. Shakti's heart swelled looking at this tiny human, his son was here and he was alright. Gently he picked up the baby holding him close to his chest and the child wailed at the sudden feeling, opening his eyes briefly. 

"Shivaay." Shakti whispered looking at the dazzlingly blue eyes of his son. His son resembled no one in particular at the moment though Shakti noticed the baby's tiny ears had the same curve as his own but his eyes were like his father's. "Welcome to the world Shivaay Singh Oberoi." he murmured as the door opened again and a nurse came in informing him that she would have to take Shivaay. He nodded mutely, handing over his son to her and finally cracked a smile. A son, born to continue the legacy he could not. An Oberoi. 



Shivaay winced, trying and failing to cover his ears as his wife screamed bloody murder. He was positive that Annika's grip had cracked a few bones in his right hand but he kept mum, the only thing on his mind right now was her agony. He wished he could ease her pain somehow but as Annika would say, even Shivaay Singh Oberoi could not stop the inevitable, instead he contended himself with keeping her company and whispering words of reassurance every few minutes. He knew Annika did not mean the things she was cursing right now because of course it wasn't his fault she was in this position right now... well not entirely anyway. 

Fear had been bubbling in the pit of his stomach for the past 2 hours even as his heart thumped louder than ever with elation. He was about to become a father, to not one but two little humans. This scene had been playing repeatedly in his head for 7 months, ever since they had found out their family would be growing. Questions raced through his mind and he felt his breath hitch as a loud cry interrupted Annika's endless tirade of insults. He pressed a quick kiss to Annika's sweaty temple as her ramblings were cut short and raised himself slightly to see a small pink wrinkly thing in the doctor's hand. 

"Your son," the woman whispered as she handed the crying thing to a nurse," one down, one to go." 

Shivaay's eyes left Annika's face for the first time since they had entered the hospital resting instead on the nurse who was cleaning his son. His son, the words felt foreign in his head but it was true, Shivaay had a son now and nothing fazed his brain for the next minute or two. Another loud cry filled the room and Annika's hand loosened in his, her head falling back and eyes fluttering shut in utter exhaustion.  He stole a glance at her tired face and felt a smile curve his own as he looked at the serenity on her face. "You okay?' he breathed quietly, relaxing when she nodded too tired to speak. 

Minutes later, his eyes welled with tears as he looked down on the two bundles being handed to him. He lifted each one into his arms, holding them so tenderly as if a slight movement would hurt them. He could feel the tears that streaked down his face but he did not bother covering them up. He did not care for the world any longer because everything he needed was in this small room near him. All his apprehensions vanished the moment his eyes landed on his children. His and Annika's bundles of joy. Moving gingerly, he nudged Annika and handed over their son into her waiting arms. Silence, he mused, had never made him this content. In his arms, his baby girl squirmed and opened the eyes looking around the bright room before fixing on Shivaay. 

"Hi there," he said softly, "I'm your dad." his voice trembled as he spoke, his heart threatening to burst from his chest as the baby's tiny finger clasped onto his own. Beside him, Annika was looking at their son with the same happy smile that was on his own face. He looked at both his children, "I swear I'll keep you safe. Always."

"We love you so much Sia and Aarav." Annika whispered. 

Shivaay had never felt this happy and he gazed down at the three people in the room. A son and daughter he would cherish beyond belief and protect fiercely, a wife who was his equal throughout their journey. A family. 

A/N: hi! long time no see which I'm truly sorry about. This is one of my favourite pieces so far, inspired by Shivaay and Shakti's rocky relationship. I wanted to point out the differences between the two as fathers though I may have been medically incorrect idk. I've always thought that even though Shakti loved his son, he always saw Shivaay as a way to finally outshine Tej because he has always been under Tej's shadow. Shivaay on the other hand, knows what it feels like to have a path imposed on himself so he would try his hardest to never let that happen with his own kids. I always subtly tried to showcase the difference between Shakti-Pinky and ShivIka's relationships but idk if it worked?

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Thank you for reading, stay safe.
lots of love,
writinganewtale ✨

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