1. Unordinary life

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This is the story of two young girls and their unordinar life as twins with a previous life.

A loud hallway, shouting and chatting people. The same feeling as usual. It was a normal day for the twins. After all school started again, after three long weeks of Christmas-vacation. But, well, it wasn't a normal day as they thought.

As they walked into the classroom and sat down in their seats, they saw a new teacher walking in right after them. She had long light brown hair that hang loosely over her shoulders, she wore a light blue blouse with a black jeans and to that simple sneakers. On her nose sat a white, well more like see-through, glasses. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked into the class and right to the twins that were sitting in the back row on the bank next to the window.

One of the girls had long light blonde shining hair that reached until her upper hip. She had a few straights of hair clipped up to the back of her head, with her long bangs hanging into her face. She wore a black high waist jeans with a whole on each knee. Her beige pullover was a big oversized and tucked into her jeans. To that she wore black converse shoes and a black little hand back. The girl had amazing sea-green eyes that wherealmost light pastel green coloured. Her nails were coloured in five pastel colours; yellow, blue, pink, green, violet. And the girl had amazingly sea green eyes that were almost light pastel. To the teacher the girl looked like she was shining.

Next to her sat her twin sister. Surprisingly she looked much younger as if she was just 13 years old. Her white-coloured hair looked so unnatural, that it looked barely real. It was so long that it even reached until her knees. Her eye colour was a mix of light blue and light purple. Her bangs hanging way past her eyebrows. The only thing that looked natural about her were her clothing. A black mini-skirt and a grey knighted pullover.

Nobody thought that those two girls were twins or even born on the same day, since the two of them are two completely different types of persons and stylists of cloth and colour. Those two are no others than the Anderson twins, Frida Henrietta and Clara Elena Anderson.


After the class was seated the teacher looked into the room as she walked in front of the board so she was visible for the whole class.

"Good morning class, I am your new teacher for the rest of the year. My name is Ms. Margaret Quinn. I'm a history and English teacher. I'm born and raised in Ireland. To get to know all of you, I want you to introduce yourself with your names, age, hobbies and what's special about you!" Ms. Quinn explained in simple sentences to the class as some of the students were whispering to each other.

"Are there any questions left, boys and girls?" she asked as she noticed that some student's weren't really paying attention to what she was saying.

"What happened to Mrs. Kramer?" "Yeah, why isn't she here anymore?" two of the girls asked kinda hurt that the teacher wasn't there anymore.

"Mrs. Kramer is pregnant and, as you all know, pregnant women aren't allowed in the school because there are many illnesses they could get. They can risk their and their children's lives with coming to school to teach you. I know it's kinda sudden, but I promise you'll have as much fun with me as you had with her. Now if all the questions are cleared I want to start the introductions. We are gonna start in the front row!" Ms. Quinn said pointing on the student in the front row who was sitting right in front of her desk.

The introductions went on and on, but eventually came to the twins. Clara looked over to her twin sister with a pleading look. Gladly Frida nodded her head before she cleared her throat to get ready to speak.

"I am Frida Henrietta Anderson and I am 17 years old. I am very interested in history and in photography. I also love to ride on one of my horses or to read near the water!" Frida shortly introduced herself in a shy and rather low voice as she looked at the teacher with a little smile.

"And what's special about you Frida?" the teacher asked very interested about the girl. "I... uhm I am very independent for my age, I am not a real party girl like most of the girls my age are. I am not really interested in stuff other girls my age do these days. I just mind my own business and who doesn't like it can just fuck off!" Frida explains in a friendly voice.

"Whats with your language, Frida?" Ms. Quinn asked with raised eyebrows as she heart Frida's last two words. "Don't worry Mrs. Quinn, she is the nice one!" one student blurred out into the classroom. "If you say so, Michael!" the teacher answered while looking at the girl next to Frida.

"I'm Clara Elena Anderson, I'm 17 years old and her twin sister!" Clara explaind shortly while pointing to her sister next to her. "Whats special about me is that I am not as nice as I look like and that I am not as old as I look like. My hobbies are nothing that should bother you, I mean honestly I don't know you. Nobody, besides my sister here, knows what my real hobbies are!"

"Maybe that's why you don't have friends!" Annabella, one of the snooty girls of the class, laughed while she looked back at Clara with a sparkle of evil in her eyes. Clara starred at the girl with so much anger and hate in her eyes, if they wouldn't have been in class, Clara would have ripped Annabella's guts out. But since Clara couldn't do that she shoot Annabella a dark, evil look; a look the girl never ever had sawn before in her whole life. Quickly Annabella turned around and fell silent while Clara got a smirk on her face as she looked over to her sister. Frida just shook her head on her sister, not really believing what she just did.

"She also can scare people with just starring at the person!" a boy from across the room said as he also got a little scared from the girl.

"Okay. I'm glad that you all introduced yourself to me. Now I think it's time for today's lessons. We'll start with the Royal family of Ireland. Please open your books on page 215!" the teacher said as most of the class growned while they took out their books. Frida on the other hand was very thrilled about the new topic.

"King William Roy James von Davidson and Queen Lilibeth Penelope Violet von Davidson had three kids; Georg Henry Anton von Davidson, Mary Flora Eleanor von Davidson and Enya Rose Estelle von Davidson. The two girls you see on page 215 are Princess Mary Flora Eleanor von Davidson from the Kingdom of Ireland and Princess Catherine Sara Fria de Kurai from the Kingdom of Japan. They were best friends for most of their short lives!" the teacher said as she looked right up to the twins.

The picture they looked at was of two girls drinking tee. It looked like they were chatting with each other happily, without a care in the world. But that wasn't what the students of the class were so surprised about, it was the look of the two thirteen-years-olds who didn't look their age. The twins in the last row were like there identical clones.

"As you already see the similarity, I want the two of you to hold a presentation about the two kingdoms! Frida you will display the Kingdom of Ireland and Clara will display the Kingdom of Japan, while we are at it. We will draw lots for the other presentations!" explained, Miss Quinn, the new history teacher. "Are two weeks enough preparation time for you?" she asked as she looked into the twin's direction.

'It's normal because we were these people in our past lives. And we have that unnatural DNA, so it's not surprising that we can't supress our previous selves coming out again!' the twins thought to themselves.

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