9.Let the first round begin

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                                                                                                                    Round 1 : Begin !

(Sora's pov)

im still confused on how she knew what Japan was since she is from this world right?

anyways the first round was beginning and we did rock , paper , scissors to decide who goes first.

" rock , paper , scissors shoot !" we both said at the same time .

i chose rock and she chose paper , meaning she goes first and i go second .

i was a little upset i lost but i didnt really matter much in this game as i is suppost to be on pure luck , there is no real way to cheat . . . or is there?

"looks like you roll first" i spoke as she nodded and shook the dice in the cup before throwing them on the table .

" looks like you got a 2 , 5 and a 3. for your first go , my turn . . . oh yeah! forgot to say i hope you dont mind that me and Shiro play as one." she just nodded and let me roll.

i got a 4 , 6 and 1 . I frowned a little as her second turn began and i watched as she rolled a 6 , 4 and 5 . i took my second go and it looks like ' Luck ' was on my side because i rolled three 5's meaning i won the first round !.

{ With Tet }

i giggled slightly as i watched Y/N pout after loosing the first round .

i decided it would be a fun idea to watch her play against blank so i went invisible and snuck inside of the throne room where the game is happening the only difference is Y/N can hear whatever i say while inisible so i have to be careful.

from the looks of things i can see Jibril floating around the room occasionally reading some of the books spread out across the room , Stephanie was reading through some of her grandfathers scrolls , Chlammy and Fiel was stood talking to some of the nobles at he doors of the throne room and then of course we have Blank playing a game against my dear Y/N.

As Shiro sorted out a notepad to say who got what points , Sora spoke up with a question

" How do you know what Japan is? "

it was such a simple question but one that made me float slightly closer to Y/N as she smirks to herself before replieing with 6 simple words.

" i visit from time to time "

Blanks eyes widen as Y/N's smirk gets slightly bigger and i finally speak up .

"Now that is a reaction that makes me laugh !"

Y/N responds telepathically through her mind to me .

"oh this is nothing compared to how they will react to me being a goddess , i mean after all i did pledge to tell them how Jibril recognises me."

This time my eyes widen as i realised she was planning on losing on purpose just to see how they would react...

" alright ! lets start round two yeah?"

498 words~

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