Smut Rquests

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If you want smut written heres the requesting part for it, Please note that I've never written smut before so I'm sorry if its either bad or not as you wanted it.^^"

——Onto what i'll do——

- Character x Reader

- Some kinks

- Possible yandere smut

- I'll try my best at Character x (insert random thing here)!reader

- Envy + Zitrone are also Options

- I can try poly

- fluff or angst smut shots
(if you can maybe elaborate on a little bit of plot please^^)

- Possibly a small smut comic can't promise that I will though

- Smut Headcanons

——What i will never do——
- Forced No-No's

- Anything in the phile category

- I can't write character x character sorry

- very bad/disgusting kinks (like fecal and any others like that are a huge no)

- Fetishes

- Incest

- character x your oc (It just feels odd to me cause it isn't my character + I don't know what their like^^" sorry again)


It might take a while for me to make the chapters to, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!^^

Madcom X Reader (+ some of my oc's)Where stories live. Discover now