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the heavy metal doors and their pristine handles forever reflecting the florescent lights, making the long empty hallways seem painfully brighter then they already were. the passing white uniforms of the orderlies becoming a blur day by day, seemingly adding to the unbearableness of this laboratory we call our home. Devoid of any real life everyday was equally as painful and boring as the last, there was no real reason to live other then to be tested and monitored.

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"022 please step forward" the booming voice of papa echoing across the room, a sour expression on his face showing his displeasure with 022 and their current situation. You step forward looking down at the cold tile floor, seeing papas shadow cast down over you. You look up to see him staring daggers at you as if he had caught you with your hand in a cookie jar. "022" he said his eyes bouring into your soul, "yes papa? " you ask looking him directly in the eyes scared if you looked away it would make you seem less innocent then you already were made out to be.

He stood there as if he was waiting for something, anything to happen not moving nor breaking eye contact with you. The room dead silent besides the occasional sniffle, folding of clothes or the constant humming of the blinding florescent lights directly above you. "Why is it that you brother 002 was found unconscious in the hallway directly outside your door? " he asked tilting his head ever so slightly making the room shift to an unpleasantly tense atmosphere, "I'm not sure papa" you said with wide eyes seeming surprised and hurt papa would ever accuse you of hurting your brother 002.

He hummed in response and told you to line back up with the others turning around walking back into the middle of the room fiddleing with his cufflinks. He turned back around to face the rest of the children looking each of them into the eyes before beginning to speak. "When we find out what or who did this we will make sure to respond accordingly, please make sure to immediately go to your rooms once you are dismissed. " he blandly stated suddenly staring directly at you after done speaking. He walked out of the door waving for the orderlies to take the children to their rooms, as we lined up ready to leave the room I felt a sudden wave of nausea over take my body. The thought of 002 laying on the floor outside your door with a bloody head and passed out didn't exactly sit right with you considering he was your best friend.

I swallow back the feeling knowing if I complain I'll likely be lectured for my lack of care when it comes to being sanitary and safe not that it matters since everything in this place is clean to the point of being able to see your own reflection and there was nothing dangerous you could really do. I walk with the children as we disperse into our quarters to sleep, as I walk into mine I feel shivers run through my body as the unbearably strong AC hits my face. Closing the door behind me I drop into my bed slightly shivering from the unnecessarily strong AC blowing in your room, laying down as the light from the hallway peared through the window on my door the small thin bars casted across my room. I lay on my bed trying to ignore the want to throw up, every now and then looking at the red light flashing in the corner of my room looking at me reminding me that this wasn't really my home.

I turn over and make myself comfortable as I imagine what life could be like if I wasn't stuck in this lab that Iv been told is considered heaven among earth compared to the rest if the world. It's all a lie of course almost everything they tell you is a lie besides the fact that you were a threat and would be killed in 5 seconds if you were ever to leave this place

Laying on your bed thinking of life outside the lab is something you do quite often considering your the second oldest test subject there 002 being the oldest by 3 months. You couldn't help the fact you wanted more to life then being poked at and tested like some sort of lab rat. But in the end you were to scared to try and escape considering your one of the more average numbers in the lab never really being able to exceed papas expectations making you over looked and considered "weak"

To you it was all pointless nothing ever really mattering or seemed to be important to you. As long as you woke up the next day it would never change and the cycle of pain and repetition would never end.

Not until you finally realised the truth would it stop

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Okay this first chapter is super short and I know their normally super long but I don't really know what to write about so if you could leave some suggestions that would be absolutely amazing btw y/n in this story it 18 turning 19 and 001 just turned 20 I'll try to get the next chapter out ASAP but until then(also I'm sorry about the crappy pov swaps this chapter is kinda rushed)

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