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The sound of walking in the hallway echoing throughout the building, the children in a line heading to the testing rooms after papa had gotten done talking with peter.

Peter seemed to be a bit more tense then before but not enough to make it worrying. I follow behind my brothers and sisters as we line up against a wall where there is a big wheel of lights. At this point 002 is out of the infirmary and was doing fine, he had a big cut on his forehead and seemed a bit out of it but his performance was just as amazing as before.

As the children were called up one by one to light up the wheel only a few could make the light move all the way around in a full circle. "022" papa held out his hand as he guided me to the cold metal chair, as I sat down Peter bent down in front of me to put the headset on.

"You'll do great.. " he whispered to me with a small 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘺 smile

Standing back up he walked over by papa and watched with that same tense posture he had earlier.

I focused on the sound of the buzzing lights above me concentrating the energy into the light bulbs ahead of me. The lights on the wheel began to flicker until one of them turned on glowing a bright yellow, I stared intensely at the wheel of lights until the light began to move at a slow pace. After a few seconds they began to quicken moving at an inhuman speed, the lights above began to flicker before papa began to speak.

" 022, that's enough "..

I stopped as a heavy flow of blood gushed out my nose

I turned to face him and he had a wide sinister grin plastered on causing his face to wrinkle in a unnatural way.

" very good 022, I am very proud of you! "..

I nod and smile back at him knowing there was about to be issues with 002. you waited as Peter removed the headset from you seeming to still be tense.

" are you ok? "..

" it's none of your concern. "..

" worry about staying out of trouble not me " he stood up putting the headset in a small box before going back over to papa


After a few more minutes of papa speaking we headed to the cafeteria where soup filled bowls lined the rim of the tables. We all sat down in the small plastic seats as we silently ate our lunch, nothing noteworthy every taking place during lunch besides what we would be having that day made the 30 minute "break" kinda boring. As i slumped over im my chair blowing the steaming soup two other children sat next to me on my left and right.

" great job today 022!! "..

" thank you 004 "..

" hey 022, is your head ok i saw all that blood flowing out of your nose and was wondering if you had a headache? "..

" no im ok 005! "..

" good to know! "..

005 slowly stood up still making eye contact with me and then proceeded to pour his steaming hot soup all over my shoulder and neck.not knowing what to do i sat there staring at 004.

I jumped onto 005 and tackled him while the burning hot soup seeped into my skin slowly making blisters. I was grabed by the orderlies before i could hurt 005 and was detained in a small white room. crying on the floor as my skin began to peel on my neck and shoulder from not being attended to by the nurse adding to the pain of the bruises forming on my wrists.

" 022.. " i heard a man whisper behind me

" peter? Why are you in here? " i sat up staring at him with tears running down my face

He wiped my tears away and hushed me hugging me tight as i started to cry again

" they know its not your fault , just breath okay? " he slowly rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder, rocking side to side trying to sooth me

After at least 5 minutes I had calmed myself down and headed to the nurse's office holding Peters hand the entire way scared of letting go. Walking into the nurse's office I saw 005 laying in a bed with black eyes a busted lip and a swollen neck.

You smiled and waved At him walking over to the nurse's desk asking to use the bathroom sink to treat the burn. Getting a wash cloth running it under lukewarm water Peter began dabbing the burns across your neck and shoulder. You winced at this since the burns were still very fresh.

" I'm sorry I didn't come sooner "..
He said still dabbing your burns with the cloth

" there's no need to be sorry Peter, it's not your fault 005 is a bully "..
I said as I looked over at him smiling

We stared into each other's eyes as the world around us went quite. He gently rubbed my cheek and held my wrist grazing over my tattoo.

I have never felt this way before, it was weird almost like I was dreaming.

And then he stopped.

" what's wrong? ".. I whispered not wanting the nurse to hear us

" I'm not sure ".. He said as he grabbed either side of my face

I could tell he was thinking by the way his eyes moved around like when he's lyi-

Our lips gently pressed against each other as he continued to hold my face

He let go and backed away a few steps looking stressed

" Peter? "..

" y-yes 022? "..

" what was that? "..

" oh um.. That's is called a um..A kiss "

" what is that? "..

" it's something you do when you really care and love someone "..

" oh.. So you love me? "..

" 𝙮𝙚𝙨 "..


Come gettcho man y'all💀
(Cringy as FUCK and super rushed 😍)

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