Waking up to the sound of banging at your door isn't exactly the most 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩 feeling in the world, especially when it's only 8:00 in the morning. Seeing a orderly standing outside my door waiting for me to get ready is pretty annoying. Being rushed to change into a clean hospital gown and brush my teeth is frustrating, but can't be helped since it has been apart of my routine for the past almost 19 years now.

I open the door to a short curly haired orderly, it's nothing new of course since I see them almost every morning. They walk me to the rainbow room to make sure I don't wonder off

"Good morning 022 did you get good a good night's rest? "

"I've had better sleep before but thank you for asking" I say as I rub my eyes

"Oh well that's a shame to hear, but we best be off the the rainbow room before we get in trouble" they said with a clearly fake frown. They gently grab my hand and we set off to the rainbow room. they were one of the newer orderlies and didn't really understand a lot of the simpler tasks, which is why papa assigned her to watch over me since I was the "easiest" to manage since I don't require much attention or as many instructions.

Because of this I always had someone staring at the back of my head waiting for me to slip up just for them to correct me. It was 𝙥𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 in all honesty, of course i wouldn't hear the end of it from papa if i ever said that to him. Over the past few weeks they had gotten better at doing the more mandatory tasks such as cleaning the dining area and sanitizing the testing rooms and equipment, but other then that they were mostly useless to put it bluntly.

The doors to the rainbow room swing open as we both walked in, the doors making a barely noticeable thud as they got pushed by the small orderly. To my surprise the rainbow room is empty besides the two taller male orderlies standing on opposite sides of the one way window on the other side of the room. One of them being a tall blonde orderly iv never seen before, "I'll see you tomorrow then? " the short orderly asked me as they gave me a barley visible smile.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow".. I say as they began to walk out the door waving me goodbye.

I walk over to the drawing tables and began to draw myself, I had always been just a little Narsicist not that any of the kids here new what that even ment. As the kids began to flood the room I started moving around not really wanting to play with any of the games the lab had since Most of them were extremely old and frail needing to be replaced. I walked over to the shelf looking for a something to do, I look at the very back of the shelf seeing a rubix cube no one ever really played with.

Not having anything else to do i began to scramble the cube with my eyes closed, as i began to try and solve it I realized I have absolutely no idea how to use this thing. " oh crap-" I whisper under my breath as I struggled to even get a row of the same colors, all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder. It was heavy but only enough for me to even notice someone was touching me.

"Are you having trouble with that-" he looked down at my exposed wrist making me look down at it too

"..022? " he finished his sentence after a short pause collecting whatever was going on in his head

"Yes actually" I stared looking away from him focusing my gaze back down to the rubix cube fiddleing with it for a bit longer before he asked to try and solve it. I nodded handing it to him, he sat down and began to rotate the sides swiftly only taking small breaks to check the colors on each side. After at least 2 minutes it was solved, he handed it to me smiling happily as I sat there surprised he could solve it so fast.

" Wow- "..

" there's no need to be so surprised, I kinda just jumbled it all together randomly until it was solved "..

You could tell he was lying by the way his eyes were moving more then before. " your trying to make me feel better about myself aren't y- " I questioned unable to finish my sentence " No not at all! I would never lie just to make someone just so they could feel better about themselves "

𝘼𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙗𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚

" yeah okay sure ".. I said clearly unimpressed

" I don't think I ever introduced myself.. " he said seeming to be thinking

" Oh I don't believe you did ".. I agreed with him as he shifted
" my name is- "..

Papa stormed through the door seeming distressed, " Peter please come with me" papa ordered coldly. Papas foot repeatedly tapping the floor as he checked his watch, 𝙥𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧 looked at me and gave me yet another smile before going with papa

"goodbye 𝙋𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧.. "

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Omfg bro this turned out way better then the last chapter 😭I wasn't expecting it to actually end up liking this chapter but guess what🌚anyways please tell me what to write for next chapter because I have no idea what to do💀

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