Prom 2015

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Prom was amazing. I got to spend the night with my amazing boyfriend and I love him to pieces. He's honestly one of the best things that's happened to me in a long while. And although the decorations were super cheesy, we had fun. We danced a couple of times and just hung out with our friends. He even got to meet some of my friends from school. I can't wait for next year. I'm really happy that he was there with me. I don't know what I would've done without him.

It's also dawned on me that the end of the school year is closing in on us and most of my friends are seniors... I'm going to be absolutely heartbroken when they leave, but hopefully I'll still get to see them after they graduate. And if possible, I'd like them to come to my graduation. Well at least one of them. He's like my big brother kinda sorta as of recently. He's easily one of the sweetest and kindest guys I know and he's one of my best friends. I'm going to miss him when he graduates. And I'm going to end this now before I break into tears.

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