Updates and Rants

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First off, guys, Happy New Year! I know I'm 5-6 days late. I'm sorry. I've had a busy stressful year so far. And I will explain it all in this. I hope you guys are having a pretty good 2016 so far. 

I know I haven't updated "Forever Lost" in a while and I'm sorry. I was updating almost everyday for that week or so because we were doing nothing in school those two weeks before Christmas break and so I used my classes to write in. I'm really bad at writing at home because there's so many distractions and stuff going on. You can't write when an adorable fluffy kitten is crawling into your lap, it's impossible. I'm going to bring my laptop when we go back to school on the 11th because I doubt we'll be doing too much the first few days back. 

Okie Dokes, here we go! 

Decemeber 2015- January 2016: 
I got everything that was on my Christmas list. This is the first time that's happened literally ever. I got my class ring and my Dan and Phil merch. And then my AMAZING boyfriend got me a PS3 so I could play games with him. Now I feel like I annoying him because I ask him to play GTA5 with me all the time. Oops... 

Dad went back into the hospital to have more surgery. You can read more about that in "My Daddy". He's doing well health wise considering. The nurses there suck, which is odd cause when he was in there in Oct and Nov they were wonderful. 

A very very dear friend of mine lost her dad. The funeral was just a few days ago. 

Let the rants begin!:

My mother... Ugh! I don't even know where to begin. 

-Permit- She wants to me get my permit before my 18th birthday (the 10th. It's in 4 days). But she isn't calling to make the appointment for me to take the test. 

-Banking- I'm being forced to get a bank account at her bank with her name on the account so that she doesn't have to drive to the bank 4-5 times. This is the ONLY reason she's having me get my permit now after years of "not being able to afford it". 

-My Reasons for crying at a FUNERAL- This is the biggest thing that pissed me off. Yesterday my mom and I went to the funeral of one of my best's friend's dad. He was like a dad to me. He was a great guy. I cried at the funeral. Most people there did and I was one of them. I typically don't cry in front of people or at funerals. I normally toughen up and hold it in, but I thought about my friend and how she doesn't have a dad at home now. And how her mom lost her best friend and husband. And of course then my mind (the great overthinker it is) started thinking about what if that happens to me someday. What if I lost my best friend and husband, or even right now my boyfriend. And I cried. I cried for a ton of different reasons. My sister told me tonight that my mom told her last night that I cried at the funeral because of all that was going on with my dad. MY DAD. Seriously? My dad hadn't even crossed my mind at the funeral except if my mom brought it up to someone or someone asked about him. I was crying because I knew the man who the service was for, I cried because my best friend lost her dad, I cried because one of my moms lost her husband and best friend, I cried because I fear getting a phone call saying that my boyfriend/fiance/husband is dead or dying. I did NOT cry because my dad is in the hospital. I know my dad will be okay, I have no doubts about that. If my mom tells anyone else that I cried at that funeral because of MY dad, I'm going to say something to her. 

I think I'm done ranting and updating for a bit... I've been ranting to people about this stuff all evening... Thank you to everyone who reads my stuff. I love you all. Stay safe, guys! 

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