Oh. My. Gosh.

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I passed biology!!!! I got a 3 on my EOC. A 3 is passing, just barely, but still passing. I thought for sure that I failed it. I would've failed the second half of biology if it hadn't been for the 3. So that means I don't have to retake the second half of the class and I don't have to redo the EOC. 

Cats are really flexable and adorbale. 

I don't know what to do. I'm not tired enough to sleep and I'm bored. Everyone I talk to is asleep. 

I'm about to break something to one of my (girl) best friends... 

You know how people always dream about owning an apartment or living with their best friend when they move out? Well I (hopefully) will have that all covered. Only... With my (guy) best friend. Maybe. Depending on what life throws at us. 

My dog just woke up from sleeping and now she's just rolling around on her back all cute and making cute noises. 

This is really just random things that are randomly coming to mind.

I really wish that people would wake up... I'm lonely and bored.. 

I just let the kitten out of my room cause she was sitting by the door. And when I shut the door, I looked down and she was sticking her paws back under the door and into my room. 

I am going to go play games on my tablet until I pass out. Night, everyone! 

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