Just Us?

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A/N: THANK YOU FOR OVER 700 READS<33 (everyone is welcome to suggest any ideas for me to write!)

(TW: implied sexual thoughts)

There were two weeks before the Byers left for California. Two weeks left to at least tell Jonathan his feelings.

Steve groaned and flopped onto his bed, he's not even that close with Jonathan. The only ways he'd be able to meet up with him without it being awkward is either with Nancy or the kids.

Confessing feelings would not be something he did with a bunch of pre-teens around all teasing him. So, Steve settled for just asking Nancy to hang out with Jonathan, maybe Robin too.

He sighed and looked at his alarm clock, 6:37pm. Steve rolled his eyes and sat up, he stretched and looked around for something to do.

There was nothing. What do you expect in a house where there's no family to love? They're almost always gone. He might as well just call Nancy now rather than putting it off until Jonathan has to leave.

Steve stood up, he didn't move for a few seconds, his eyes were droopy and his legs were wobbling slightly. He went to call Nancy.

A few rings went by, she picked up at the fifth one, "Hello?" Nancy's voice filtered through the phone.

"Hi Nance!" Steve shifted nervously.

"Oh, hi Steve!" He could hear the smile in her voice.

"Hi, I was wondering..." he trailed off.

"You were wondering... what?" She giggled softly.

"If you'd wanna meet up?" Steve leaned against the wall and leaned his head back.

"You sound so nervous, are you sure that's all?"

"...with Jonathan?" He said quietly, Nancy barely heard him.

"With Jonathan?" She repeated.

"Yeah." Steve said shortly, he let out a long breath.

"Sure, I could ask him—"

"—okay! Thank you!" Steve was about to hang up.

"Ah! Don't hang up!" He put the phone back against his ear, "Or, I could give you his phone number, and you can ask to hang out with him. Alone." Steve's face flushed red.

"Steve? You there?" There was a smugness in her voice.

"Y...yeah. I'll take his number, sure." He took a deep breath.


Steve and Jonathan planned to meet up the next day. Jonathan would go to Family Video a few minutes before Steve's shift ended, and then they would go back to one of their houses or something.

Despite Steve going to bed earlier than usual, he barely got any sleep that night. His mind was filled to the brim with fantasies of Jonathan.

A guilty pleasure of Steve's, he would never admit what kind of thoughts he often had though. But you could imagine what they are.


His shift ends at 7pm, Jonathan was stepping through the doors of Family Video at 6:45.

Steve was helping a customer find a movie, he spotted Jonathan behind them and stumbled over his words a bit. Jonathan raised an eyebrow at him, he must've heard him stuttering.

The customer paid and left the store, Steve went behind the counter to greet Jonathan.

"Hi Jonathan, my shift is over in like, ten minutes." He managed not to slip up his words, his cheeks were definitely heating up though.

"Alright." He leaned against the counter and looked around. Robin was organizing movies in the action isle, Steve caught her eye.

"I'll be right back." Jonathan nodded and Steve went over to Robin.


The two teens walked out of the store and over to Steve's car, "Where do you wanna go?" Steve looked at Jonathan, he just shrugged.

"Wherever I guess, I don't really care." Steve nodded.

They sat inside his car, "My house then? There's not really much to do in Hawkins." Jonathan looked at him, that made Steve's heart flutter. Almost anything Jonathan does makes Steve's heart do weird things honestly.

"Sure." He flashed a smile at Steve then looked out the windshield.

Steve quickly went to start his car as his head slowly filled with thoughts from the night before. His heart rate picked up when he saw Jonathan's hand move closer to him. He was just turning on the radio.

Steve was starting to sweat, he rolled his window down. Jonathan glanced at him.

"You alright? You seem like, nervous or uncomfortable. Do I make you nervous?" Steve's thoughts only got worse, a question that was meant to be innocent turned into a whole new thought. "Steve?" Jonathan tilted his head, he looked genuinely worried.

"Yeah," he paused and took a deep breath, "I'm fine." Steve looked away from the road and grinned at Jonathan, he quickly looked back in front of him.

Steve cleared his throat awkwardly, "We're almost at mine."

"Okay... I have a question." Steve hummed, telling Jonathan that he has his attention, in two different ways.

"Why did you want to hang out with just me?" Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well... I..." there is an answer to that question, just not one that Steve was ready to give, "I figured... I might as well get to know you better before you leave?" Steve sounded unsure of his answer, Jonathan accepted it nonetheless.


Steve unlocked and opened the door for Jonathan. They stepped inside, took off their shoes, and walked into Steve's living room.

Jonathan let himself get comfortable and relaxed on the couch. Steve sat stiff beside him, his thoughts of... that, still occupying a large amount of his ability to think.

"You hungry?" Steve broke the somewhat awkward silence settled in the room.

"Eh, not really." Jonathan grinned at him.

"Alright... wanna just watch a movie or something?" Steve suggested, he just wanted to be in Jonathan's presence without it being awkward.

"Sure! What one?" Jonathan straightened his posture and turned his body to Steve. That did things to Steve's mind and body. The body part is only happening now surprisingly.


They ended up watching a few movies, really just anything that Steve had. Like The Blue Lagoon and Footloose.

Eventually, Jonathan had to leave of course. It was nearing midnight and Joyce—Jonathan's mother—had expected him home by eleven.

The teens sat in silence on the way to the Byers household, the quiet radio and the faint sound of tires on the road were the only other things heard.

Steve parked outside of Jonathan's house, "Here you are."

"Thanks, I enjoyed that." Jonathan started to unbuckle.

"Me too." Steve smiled at him softly.

Jonathan opened the door, and was about to step out of the car, he paused. He quickly turned around and gave Steve a kiss on the cheek before getting out of his car and going inside.

Steve sat there with wide eyes, he watched Jonathan rush inside his house. He grinned, maybe he didn't need to actually confess his feelings like some high school romance. But he did have to take care of his problem.

WC: 1131

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