Chapter 9: The Other Side (Not Complete - Dropped)

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I wrote this months ago:

Aria was still in the so-called golden birdcage.

She's stumbling around because there are shackles on her feet. She can move around but not run because the shackles make her unable to extend her steps too far.

Some might say she is walking like a penguin right now.

The whale tribe is known for brute strength, not magic. So for Aria to escape the shackles, it wouldn't be that difficult. What's difficult is getting out of the ocean.

"Life is not fantastic right now.", she mumbled.


"Clopeh, what do you think about stopping this and just

I know I said I don't want to drop it, but it's been months and I've lost love for this story. I'm too busy to make these types of fanfics. 

College is officially starting next week and during break (2 months), I've been so busy with other things like my life, my family, my friends, and my organizational or club activities.

I saw a comment that asked if I wanted to keep continuing this fic, so yea that's why I wrote this. I think I shouldn't leave you guys hanging and give an endnote.

Thank you for following this fic so far. I love you all! I appreciate the support but I want to make more stories that are one-shots. I find them easier to make and fit my schedule better.

Again, much love to you and this whole community!! <3 

P.S. I haven't even read the second book up to its most recently updated chap:" Have you guys read it? Is it good?

I think it's really funny :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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