Author's note

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Hey my beloved readers!! So, you probably know from the amount of stories that I wrote(I'm very proud of each one of them, they all contain how I grew up, and how I changed over the time and how my writings and things changed as the years passed) that I am a genius, so I think I'll continue with warnings.

1. Spellings and grammars

Though I am a genius, my home country does not use English, so I may get spellings and grammars messed up.

2. Late updates

I'm lazy guys, and I maybe busy with my other stories, plus I have school and this things called YouTube and Books, I get distracted easily, so yeah. Late updates.

3. Story suddenly disappearing

The story may disappear when I decide that the stories are too much for me, but it's not like it's disappearing forever, it will come back... eventually :))

Now, I think the Author's Note had gone a little long, shall we go one with the stories?

4. Spoiler alert

Well, this is a fanfiction, so obviously their are spoilers here, so be careful of you hadn't read <Wings of Fire>!

p.s. votes and comments are welcome!! ;D

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