Chapter 3: Photoshoot

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The next morning was peaceful, you woke up and went downstairs to see Florence making breakfast. "Oh Flo you didn't have to do that." You said.

"Nah it's fine. Honestly I've noticed you seem pretty stressed lately so I decided to take care of things for you. I'm gonna go grocery shopping for you while you're at your photo shoot."

"Thank you so much." You said, hugging her. She rubbed your back slowly. "Of course my love." You blushed at the nickname. You took a seat at the glass dining table and she set down pancakes and eggs in front of you.

"Thank you so much!" You said with a smile.

"Of course." She chuckled and sat down across from you.

"So what's this photo shoot for?" She asked.

"Victoria's Secret. I'm gonna be in their fashion show. I'm very excited."

"Ooh, you're gonna wear the wings too?"

"Yep. Full blown VS angel."

"Definitely show me those pics when you're done." She smirked and you blushed yet again. This woman was going to be the death of you.

And you were gonna let it happen.


At the photo shoot you were immediately rushed to the dressing room to put on what you could only describe as a very expensive red lingerie set. You were a little nervous being this exposed in front of everyone, but you also were excited.

As a bisexual girl you most definitely were fond of the Victoria's Secret angels, and the fashion show of course. You had always wanted to do it at least once so when your manager called and said she wanted you to be a part of it, you were ecstatic to say the least.

You sat on the stool in front of the white background, artificial light beaming down at you as you put your model face on and posed however they wanted you to.

Then they had you lay sideways on a black couch, you looked absolutely beautiful.

"Beautiful, oh absolutely perfect!" The photographer praised as she snapped more photos. One thing you were happy with was that everyone in the room were women. No men were present or involved in this and that was one of the reasons why you accepted the offer

After shooting was over you were measured more and then sent on your way back home. You found out that Simu's book signing was still going on so you decided to surprise him.

When you arrived at the Barnes and Noble you got a couple stares in before going up to the front of the line. "Oh my god Y/n you came!" He exclaimed, pulling you into a hug.

"Of course I did! When I found out your book signing was still going on after my shoot I had to come support you!"

"Thank you so much."

"Oh my god it's Y/n L/n!" You heard a group of girls exclaim. Soon enough people were coming up to you for autographs and photos.

"Well I better skedaddle before people start coming to your book signing for me cya tomorrow!" You exclaimed and he chuckled before saying his goodbyes.

You had grown close with the cast these past few days, it was nice to have more friends.


When you got inside your house you saw Florence sitting on your couch sipping tea. "Hi." You said, setting your purse down on the kitchen island. "Hey, how was the shoot?" She asked.

"It was good. I also saw Simu at his book signing and it was really nice to see him again."

She felt a pang of jealousy in her heart when you started talking about how funny and nice he is. She wasn't sure if you felt the same way about her, but she tried to hide the fact that she was jealous.

She knew you were bi, it was all over social media and the news when you came out. Most people were accepting. Others, not so much. Mainly cause there's still a bunch of homophobic bitches in the world these days.

You two spent the rest of the day together, going on a walk on the beach, riding rides at the Santa Monica pier, it was amazing. She stayed the night again and you fell asleep in her arms while watching a movie.

She looked down at you adoringly, you are so cute when you're sleeping. She couldn't help but smile and snap a photo that she was definitely gonna blackmail you with later.

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