Nico is NOT a morning person

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I was able to keep myself up now, and when the light started coming in through the windows, I sighed in relief, sitting back up again. 

It was only an hour or so after that he came in, without even knocking the door. "Wakey-wakey!" 

I groaned. "What the hell do you want?" 

His face dropped. "... Eggs and... Bakey..." His face glowed with a pink tinge as he held out a plate of two eggs and a piece of bacon in the shape of a smiley face, two strawberries as, I guess, the cheeks, and a small crescent roll for the nose. "Eat up." Will chirped, back to being chipper as ever, and set in down on the side table, a glass of milk next to it. 

I groaned again, knowing I wouldn't be able to finish it, and went for one of the eggs, spooning out the yolk. It's the only part of the egg that I can actually stand to eat when they're sunny-side up like this. Not to sound picky, I know beggars can't be choosers, but I'm not a beggar anymore, and egg whites feel like rubber in my mouth, with just about as much taste. Once I finished off the yolk, I took a single bite of strawberry and pushed the plate towards him. "That's all I can do." I shrugged. "Sorry for wasting so much food." 

"It's fine, I'll just eat your leftovers." 

I looked over at him, watching him eagerly shovel eggs into his mouth. "... Did you even eat breakfast before now?" 

He paused. "Um... I had a coffee." 

I sighed and shook my head. "Why am I even asking? I don't know you. I don't care about you!" ... Except I do. 

He put his hand on his heart. "Ouch!" He pouted, before going for the bacon. "Just when I thought you were warming up to me..." He shook his head. 

I rolled my eyes. 

He continued, seeming to drop the subject. "Did you at least sleep well last night?" 

My fingernails dug into my palms in shame. Last night... He'd seen me in my most vulnerable state last night. I hated being so exposed. I glared at him. "What do you think?" 

His eyes softened a little. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." 

"It's fine." I looked away from him. I didn't need his pity, and I certainly didn't need him thinking I was weak. "So, just all day today, then tomorrow, then I get to go back to my cabin." 

"If you're well enough." He added. 

I huffed. "I will be." 

"Not at this rate. You need to sleep, a lot." He got up. "I'll, um... If you want, I can get you some sleeping pills." 

"No." I told him, flatly. 

He sighed. "Fine. But I'm getting you some vitamins, at least, because you're in desperate need of them. And drink your milk, I don't want you getting dehydrated." He stood up and went out of the room. 

Now, my stomach was already full, so I was getting sleepy again. But I didn't wanna go to sleep if there was a way to avoid it. I took a swig of my milk and waited for him to come back. I could feel it sloshing around inside of me, and that would've been gross had I been able to think about it too much, but the sensation itself was... Comforting, in a primal sense. 

My eyelids were drooping by the time Will got back to me, with a few pills in his hand, some gel, some powder. A total of... About five. I took them in my hand. "Um... Can I get some coffee?" 

"Absolutely not." He answered immediately. "You're on a strict no-caffeine diet, and will be for at least a week. I can only hope your sleeping patterns improve by then." 

"Great, more rules." I popped one of the pills into my mouth and took a drink of my milk. 

He sighed. "It's for your own good." 

"Uh huh." I took another pill, unimpressed. 

I was silent for the other three, and, at Will's insistence, finished the rest of the milk. 

"Now lay down. Even if you don't sleep, it's good to at least lay down and close your eyes." 

I sighed and did as I was told, too tired to argue. I hoped the light streaming in would at least keep the nightmares at bay. 

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