Nico starts hearing voices

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He left, and I sighed, trying to keep myself occupied for a few minutes as I lay alone in the bed. I decided to take out my swiss army knife and steal a handful of tongue depressors from the desk beside me, carving out a couple of designs. They came out really crappy, but I expected them to come out even crappier, so I felt proud enough of them to keep them instead of throwing them away. 

Just as I had them stashed away in my pocket, I felt... Something wrong. Guilt shivered down my spine, and two tiny words prickled in the back of my head. 

'Help me' 

It was a helpless whimper, a sound so sad and pathetic it made my heart pang. But I couldn't help but wonder who it was. 

'Please, I'm scared. Come back and help me!' 

Come back? Come back... Where? 

... Maybe it was Leo. We still haven't found him, I still don't know if he's still dead or not. Wherever he is, he sounds terrified. Well, I say 'sounds', but it's more like 'feels', since I can't really get a read on the voice. Where he would've gained the ability to speak directly into my head though... I have no clue. 

Just then, the door burst open, and Hazel came in. "Hey. I heard you weren't feeling well, so I came to visit." She sat down on the side of the bed. "I made a little mini-pie, just in case you want some." She pulled a pie tin out of her bag, just big enough for two. "It's strawberry rhubarb." 

I felt the corners of my mouth twitch up in a barely invisible smile. "You're the best, Hazelnut." 

The door swung open, and Will came in with a tray for himself, for me, and for her. "Hey. Kayla told me you IM'd about coming over." He smiled. "I don't know either of you very well, so I'm not sure what you'll like, but..." He shrugged, putting down the trays in front of us. He sat on the chair beside the bed, and I scooted over to make more room for my sister to sit next to me. He got a square of lasagna and some garlic bread for me, a grilled cheese and tomato soup for Hazel, and a peanut butter jelly sandwich for himself. 

I took a bite of the lasagna, trying not to fill up too much. I wanted to try Hazel's pie, and I couldn't do that if I was too stuffed on dinner. Will, on the other hand, ate like a wolf. I wasn't sure if I should've been concerned or not. It seemed like he'd skipped lunch, but maybe he was just really into PB&Js. 

Eventually, I had eaten about a third of the lasagna, and I could tell I was pushing it, so I put it aside. Will picked it up and started eating it. My brows shot up at that point. Yeah, he definitely skipped lunch. 

Hazel looked between us, visibly concerned, but didn't say anything. I put a hand on hers, trying to reassure her that we were fine. Or, that I was fine. I couldn't speak for Will. 

"So... Um... How's everyone been?" I asked. "At New Rome, I mean." 

She smiled. "Oh, well, Frank's been doing well considering everything, and Reyna. Jason's kind of stressed, though. I mean, since he stepped down, it's like he doesn't know who he is anymore. And that, combined with Leo's whole... Thing... We're not in the best shape emotionally. He and Frank were hit especially hard, and me too. He was so dear to us all." 

I groaned a little at that. "Well, that sucks. I hope I'm able to visit soon, maybe give Jason some comfort." 

Hazel's mouth twitched up into a smile. "That would be good." 

Will looked up from his now finished lasagna. "Who's Leo?" 

Oh, that was certainly a question. Leo... He's annoying, and brash, and immature, and... Just like I was, before Bia died. Except his life wasn't free of loss, far from it. He was small, like me, and he was impish, mischievous, with that same crooked smile and wisecracking personality that made me swoon over Percy, but his eyes were bright cinnamon brown, just like his hair, wild and curly and- 

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