Will doesn't get nightmares; it's worse than that

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I didn't get to see him as often as I would've liked. There were other patients here, patients with missing limbs and gored-out insides. Patients that needed every second of attention, every drop of healing magic, that I had to offer. Once I was drained, however, I had to retreat to his room, to recuperate a little. The fact that he's the easiest of all my patients is honestly discouraging, considering his condition. 

I watched him sleep for a while, his chest gently rising and falling. When he opened his eyes, it was only a tiny bit, his nose wrinkling as his eyes fluttered open. "Hey, Solace..." He slurred. "...You good? You're... Pale." He sat up, clearly alarmed. "Are you sick?" 

"No, no, I'd never come into work sick. Just... Tired. I'm ok." I didn't want anyone to know the full extent of it. I couldn't let anyone know that I was, partially, human. That I had limits to what I could do. 

That I had needs. 

Nico kept staring at me. "... Are you sure?" He asked. 

This wasn't right. I wasn't supposed to be taken care of. I was supposed to take care of everyone else. 

But I was exhausted. 

I sighed. "... I know this is weird, but... Can I lay down with you?" He arched a brow, but scooted over to make room for me. "Thanks." I whispered, laying down next to him in the hospital cot. 

It didn't take nearly as long for me to fall asleep as it seemed to take him. Once my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. 


Passing by a polished window, I saw myself in my reflection. I didn't look different. But I felt different. I felt... Fuzzy. Floaty. The store... I could make out the 7-11 logo. 

I walked inside, and the lady at the counter didn't have a face. I didn't care. I got myself a cherry-cola slushee, and I paid her like I would any other time. I went outside, and Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew were sitting on the curb, slurping down their own frozen treats. Grape and strawberry flavored, respectively. 

And all of this made sense. 

I sat down between them, and drank the slushee I bought. "Hey, sunspot." Lee nudged me with his elbow. "It's been a while." 

"Yeah, I know. I've missed you." I admitted. 

"We missed you too, Willy. But we understand." Michael added. 

"Understand... What?" 

"Y'know, the whole thing about being a no-show?" 

I grimaced. "Yeah... I remember." I admitted miserably. "I wanted to come, I really did, I just-" 

"It's ok." Lee stopped me. "Seriously, don't sweat it. We'd love to see you again, though." 

"I would too." I took another sip of my slushee. 


I opened my eyes, and the sun was about to set. I felt sadness sink in my chest like a stone in water. Something hollow thudded where my heart should be. 

I turned away from Nico and tried to cry silently into my pillow. Apparently, I wasn't as silent as I thought. "... Will?" He asked. I heard the rustling of sheets and guessed he had sat up on the bed. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, leave me alone!" I snapped, immediately regretting it. "... I-I'm sorry." 

"Hey, it's ok... Did you have a bad dream?" He asked sympathetically. 

I sniffled and sat up. "No... I had a really, really good one." I hugged my pillow tight. "... I was with Lee and Michael. We were out getting slushees, and... They told me they miss me. And that they forgive me." 

Nico looked at me with wide, sad eyes. "Forgive you? For what?" He asked softly. 

I buried my face in the pillow and took a shuddering breath. "... I didn't get to attend their funerals. I... I was busy in the medic tent. I remember... He blew up that bridge, and... He had to. But Michael... I didn't even get to think about it longer than a second, Annabeth was poisoned. I had to save her, I-I had to!" 

His eyes widened, suddenly realizing something. "... Your brothers." He whispered. I nodded, and he squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry for being a dick to you. When... When I get out of here, I'm taking you down to Elysium, so you can visit them there. If... If you want." 

I did. I'd never wanted anything more in the world. 

I squeezed his hand back. "Please wait until you're healed." 

Nico smiled. "You're so selfless, it's infuriating." 

"You're one to talk." I nudged him with my shoulder. "I'm getting dinner, what do you want?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "Anything's fine." 

I sighed and stood up, walking through the door. "Take care." I put my hand on the door, just before pushing it open. 

I walked the corridors, listening for any sounds of distress, but found none, so I went to the dining pavilion. 

And I felt light. 

(sorry for the months long hiatus. Shit happened)

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