Prologue: The Fallen Angel in a Small Town

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“Ugh, soooo bored…”

A grim reaper, a young-looking person named Milo muttered to themself. They were wandering around the mortal realm, bored out of their wits. They had recently taken another soul to the afterlife, now they were waiting for their next job. In the meantime, they just wandered around a quaint, small town. It was a lovely place that went by the name of Abannaeville. It was so lovely- and Milo just loved the aesthetic of the place. It was quite cozy.

As they wandered the town, something suddenly caught their attention. Or rather, someone. From her outfit alone, she stood out quite a bit. Most of the people they’ve seen in this town wear mostly casual wear- with a pastel or black dress every so often. However this girl’s outfit was something of the Gothic lolita style. It was a black, knee length dress with white and light gray accents and purple bows. To top the outfit off, she had long white socks that went to just underneath her knees with purple at the top, and black mary jane shoes. Her shiny red hair went all the way down to her hips.

But what really caught their attention was the gray, dimly lit halo that hovered just above her head. They didn’t see any headbands or string to keep it in place. And whenever she turned her head, it didn’t swing like it would if it was on a fishing line.They knew exactly what this meant. “Huh… Well I’ll be damned. A fallen angel. But what in the nine realms would she be doing in a place like this?” They mumbled in question.

They soon shrugged, a small smile on their face. “Well, may as well go introduce myself! The dear looks rather lonely.” They remarked, strutting over to the redhead. “Excuse me, darling?” They spoke up once they got close enough, prompting the girl to look up. Now that they could see her face more clearly, they could see that her eyes were a beautiful amber color.

“Oh, um.. Hello! Sorry, you caught me off guard.” She stated.

“I apologize for that! I saw you from across the street, and you caught my attention. It isn’t everyday you see a fallen angel, afterall!” Milo chirped.

The woman chuckled a bit, tapping her halo. “Heh, good eye. Most people up to this point have just assumed that I’m a really convincing cosplayer.” She stated.

“That’s because most humans can’t comprehend immortal beings. Most don’t believe we exist. But of course, you and I know better.” Milo remarked. “Oh, where are my manners? I’m the grim reaper, but I go by Milo Belladonna. And what would your name be, darling?” They asked, holding their hand to the young female.

The young lady smiled, shaking their hand. “Kitsune Reine Queen. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Milo.” She responded.

“Kitsune! What a lovely name! The pleasure’s all mine.” Milo winked, lifting her hand up to their lips and planting a small kiss to the top of it. They smirked a little, satisfied with the slight red blush that appeared on her face. They chuckled a bit, standing upright. “How cute~.” They teased.

“Quite the charmer, ain’t ya?” Kitsune questioned.

“I like to think I am, yes.” Milo nodded, walking around her as they observed her outfit. They couldn’t help it, it was adorable. “I love this outfit, by the way. It’s a good look for you- it goes beautifully with your hair! Is that your natural color, by chance?” They asked, holding a bit of Kitsune’s hair between their fingers.

Kitsune giggled a bit. “I get that question a lot. And yeah, it is. Thank you!” She replied.

“No trouble at all, darling.” Milo smiled. “Say, if you aren’t busy, why don’t we go get something to drink and hang out for a bit! I’d love to get to know you more.” They offered.

The redhead hummed in thought, contemplating it for a moment before smiling as she nodded. “Yeah! That sounds great. I’ve been getting pretty bored anyways, so this works out.” She replied.

Milo beamed, happily clapping their hands together. “Wonderful! Come on, let’s go. I saw a reeeeally cute tea place- I think it’ll be good for my blog as well.” They chirped, lightly grabbing her hand as they started guiding her to the place that they mentioned. Kitsune smiled contentedly, already enjoying her new friend’s company. They were definitely an interesting character.

She just couldn’t wait to get to know them more.

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