Chapter 4: A New Assistant

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It was just another day of hanging out. Kitsune and Milo were sitting on the former’s couch, watching some cheesy romance film. As cliche as it was in some parts, the two did find it quite funny. At this point in their friendship, they had gotten pretty close. Because of this, Kitsune laid on the couch- legs draped over Milo’s lap. Milo didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, they rested their arm over her knees.

Suddenly Milo’s phone went off, alerting the reaper. “Probably another gig. Lemme see.” They remarked, grabbing their phone from the coffee side table. Kitsune turned her attention to them, curious.

“A gig? So like, you have a soul to collect?” She asked.

“Ding ding, that’s correct. Which is a total shame- I was enjoying this little hang out session of ours.” Milo commented, before suddenly getting an idea. They turned back to the redhead, a slight smile on their face. “Actually, I have an idea. How would you like to join me on this gig, darling?” They offered.

Kitsune was a bit surprised. She could join them? “Is that allowed?” She questioned.

“I don’t see why not! Besides, who knows, you might be really good at it.” Milo shrugged.

“Hmmm..” The redhead hummed before smiling. “Ah, what the hell. Sure thing! Just tell me what I have to do.” She replied.

“Splendid! Come on, let’s get going.” The reaper stood up, holding their hand to the girl. As soon as she took it, they teleported elsewhere. Despite it being almost instantaneous, Kitsune was a bit dizzy afterwards. “Oh dear- I’m sorry, darling. I neglected to warn you about that. Are you ok?” Milo fretted for a moment.

“Yeah, I’m all good. Just dizzy.” The redhead replied, rubbing her head a bit. The two took a moment to allow Kitsune to regain her bearings. Once she was settled, they started walking to their destination- which was apparently somewhere in the woods. As they walked, Kitsune couldn’t help but notice the hood Milo had pulled over their head. She always knew it was a part of the robe they wore, but this was her first time actually seeing them wear it.

“I like the hood. It’s cute.” She complimented.

Milo glanced at her. They were a bit surprised by the sudden comment, but they smiled nonetheless. “Aww, why thank you, darling. Oh- we should get you one too! Then we could match.” She suggested.

“Oh- for sure! I’ll get on that when we get home.” Kitsune responded. As they continued walking, they eventually stumbled upon a blue, glowing orb.

“Ah, there it is. That’s the spirit we’ve come to collect.” Milo informed, walking closer- Kitsune following after. “Hello there, darling. My name is Death, but my friends call me Milo. This is my assistant, Kitsune. We’re here to escort you to the afterlife.” They stated, gesturing to the redhead- who gave a small wave.

The orb spoke, its voice a bit shaky. “O-Oh- ok..” It responded, sounding rather sad.

“I can tell you weren’t really looking forward to this, but that’s normal. Trust me, no one really likes dying. But of course, that’s just the way of life.” Milo stated. “Now then- just for confirmation, how did you die?” They asked.

“I-I was in the forest with my sister. We got attacked by a bear.. I protected her, b-but… I got killed in the process… It-It was so scary, and it hurt so much..!” The spirit explained, its orb-like form shivering as it recounted the story of its passing.

Kitsune frowned in sympathy for the poor ghost. That sounded like an absolutely horrible way to go. She stepped forward, placing a hand on the top of the orb. She smiled a little. “It’ll be ok.. I’m sure you’ll be able to go to a better place after this. Your pain is over.” She spoke softly.

The spirit seemed to calm down at this. “T-Thank you, miss.. That’s reassuring to know. Just.. Whatever happens to my sister, can you send her to wherever I end up?” It asked.

“But of course, dear. A pair should never be separated- especially not when they were so close.” Kitsune responded.

“Beautifully said, darling. Now then, are we ready to proceed?” Milo asked.

“I think so- yeah. Thank you.” The spirit agreed.

Milo smiled a bit. “Right then, let’s see.. You lived a pretty average life, so I’d say the first level of Heaven ought to be a good place for you. Enjoy eternity, dear.” They said.

In a white poof up smoke, the orb was suddenly beamed away in a bright pillar of light. Once the light dissipated, it was like the orb didn’t even exist to begin with. After all was said and done, Milo smiled- ruffling Kitsune’s hair. “Wonderful job, darling! Some spirits need consolation after death, and you did a brilliant job! Hell, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve been doing this for a while. You’re a natural, dear.” They commented, feeling proud.

Kitsune smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “Heh, thanks Milo. It was nothin’ really. I just did what felt right.” She replied.

“Oh no- I insist! It was quite impressive- especially considering it was your first time doing so, I would assume.” Milo remarked, leaning against a tree.

“Well, you wouldn’t be wrong there. I’m just an angel, after all. Usually taking spirits to Heaven wasn’t my job.” The redhead shrugged.

Milo hummed in curiosity. “Understandable. What was your job, though?” They asked.

To their surprise, Kitsune seemed to go a bit silent at that. “Well... I wasn’t a part of the welcoming committee, that’s for sure. People in Heaven typically don’t see angels like me around- not super often.” She seemed to dance around the question for a bit before stating something that really piqued Milo’s curiosity.

“It isn’t super important right now, though. Consider it a story for another time.”

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