Chapter 5: Bringer of Death

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Some days later, Kitsune and Milo were hanging out at the former’s house once again. Instead of the usual sleeved dresses, Kitsune wore a simple black dress with spaghetti straps. It showed off a bit of her back, mainly down to just above her waist. It was a bit hot that day, so the pair of friends were dressed more coolly for the weather. They were just sitting on the couch, Milo tying Kitsune’s hair up into pigtails. They hummed to themselves, smiling a bit.

“These are going to go SO well with your halo, darling. Just you wait!” They chirped.

“Heh, thanks Milo. Hey, when you’re done, why don’t I get us something to drink? I made some iced tea this morning.” The redhead offered.

Milo nodded. “Sounds good! Thank you.” They said.

Before much longer, Milo finished up with the redhead’s hair. After giving a satisfied nod, she got up to head to the kitchen. As she walked, the reaper couldn’t help but notice something that they hadn’t noticed before. Now that her hair was out of the way, Milo could see her back much more clearly. And along with that, they noticed two, perfectly symmetrical scars just underneath her shoulder blades

They were always somewhat curious about Kitsune’s past. Her halo was what drew their attention to her, afterall. Yet, they never thought to ask as to what made her fall. It just didn’t feel right. Though, after seeing the scars on her back, the curiosity was starting to become too unbearable

Not much long after, Kitsune returned with two glasses of sweet iced tea. She sat them down on the coffee table before plopping down beside her best friend. “Here ya go!” She chirped, smiling.

“Thanks, dear.” Milo nodded, taking a sip of their drink as they contemplated on if they should address their curiosity or not. “Hmmm… Say, darling, mind if I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, of course.” They asked.

Kitsune shrugged. “Sure- go for it.”

Milo took a deep breath, glancing over at her. “You’re… a fallen angel, right? If I may ask -and more importantly, if you’re ok with talking about it- how exactly did… that come about?” They questioned.

Kitsune went quiet for a second, making Milo slightly anxious. She soon sighed, giving a faint chuckle. “Guess I shoulda expected that question at some point. It’s alright, I don’t mind tellin’ ya.” She responded, tilting her head up to the ceiling.

“Believe it or not… I’m not actually from Heaven. Not completely, anyways. I was an arch-angel, one of justice. My dad’s the arch-angel of death. You may have heard of him, actually. Phil.” She explained.

Milo nodded, showing that they understood. “I’ve never actually met him myself, but my mom does. They seem to be good friends.” They stated.

“Right, well… There was a village, back in a forest. Encee Village, it was called… The people were.. quite full of themselves, if I’m honest. So full of themselves in fact, that they were certain that they could simply defeat my father, as though he couldn’t take them if it meant his immortality…” The redhead took a deep breath, trying to control her anger. Decades or not, the incident always riled her up when it got brought up.

“So I… understandably I like to think, got angry… Very angry. So angry in fact, that I mmmay or may not have went on a rampage and reduced that village to burning rubble.” She glanced away, rubbing the back of her neck. “I’ll admit- not my best moment.”

“Nonetheless, somehow, word got out to Heaven… Despite me not officially living there, but whatever. Anyhow, one thing led to another, and I was ultimately booted from Heaven. And now, my angel wings…” She paused, taking a breath as suddenly two, mangled black wings appeared out of her back. They were small, the feathers were disheveled and burned, as though they were struck by lightning. “ reduced to this.”

Milo was in shock. Was this why she always wore clothes that covered her back so well? Kitsune took notice of their silence, sighing as she looked away. “Yeah… I’m not surprised you’re not saying anything. I can totally understand if you think differently of me.”

“What? No!” Milo shook their head. “I agree that maybe it wasn’t the most… rash of decisions, but I understand. Really, I do. Mortals… can be really annoying sometimes. Even I must agree that kicking you out might have been a bit of an overreaction.” They stated, patting her shoulder.

“Besides… I think, with power like that, it makes you even more interesting! A young woman that killed a village, just to protect her father’s honor. The followers would love that story- like a modern retelling of Persephone.” They assured.

Kitsune smiled a bit. “Thanks, Milo. That’s reassuring, knowing that you don’t think less of me, and you have my back.” She said. Milo chuckled a bit.

“No problem at all, Persephone.”

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