Chapter 7: Screw the Haters

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A few days later, Milo and Kitsune were hanging out again. Though something seemed... off, regarding Milo's behavior. Something was bothering them- Kitsune could just tell. They were weirdly quiet, and they weren't as cheerful or flirtatious as usual. They seemed to be growing more and more bothered by whatever it was that they were looking at on their phone.

Finally, Milo just sighed- setting their phone on the side table and resting their head on their knees. Kitsune hummed in concern, walking over and sitting down beside them. Slowly and gently, she placed a hand on their back. "Milo?" She softly spoke up. "Hey, you alright?"

Milo glanced at her, sighing once again. "Y.. Yes, I'm fine. Really." They responded, sounding somewhat tired.

"Well, that's obviously a lie. What's the matter? You know you can tell me." The redhead responded.

The reaper was silent for a moment before exhaling, resting their head on her shoulder. "It's stupid, really.. Just some dumb hate comments on my posts. Typically I have no prob pushing them away, but lately they've just been... cutting deep. I don't know, maybe I'm just being insecure.. Stupid, right?"

"Oh, Milo.." Kitsune rubbed their back, using her free hand to pull them closer in a hug. "It's ok to be upset. I'm sorry you have to deal with this- it's total bullshit." She assured.

"Heh, you're not wrong there. It is bullshit, isn't it?" Milo responded, nestling into their shoulder.

"Totally. Besides, they're dead wrong. They don't know you- not nearly as well as I do. And I know damn well that you're just- amazing. You understand me, and you've honestly just been one of my best friends. Ever. And anyone who says that stupid, mean shit to your face can fight me." Kitsune stated, confidently.

Milo smiled, chuckling a bit as they gently headbutted her. "You're so silly." They teased. "But you know- I really appreciate you saying all that. It really helped a lot- so thank you."

"No problem at all, Milo. I'm happy to help." Kitsune smiled.

The reaper reached for their phone, clicking out of Instagram before turning on their camera. "Wanna take another selfie with me? It's been a while, and I think my followers should see what a true best friend looks like." They offered.

Though, admittedly, saying 'best friend' left them with an almost hollow feeling.

"Heh, sure!" Kitsune chirped, nodding as she scooted closer. Milo wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding the cellphone up.

"Smile~!" They sang, Kitsune poking her tongue out as she held up a signature peace sign. A resounding click was heard as the photo took- Milo immediately going to post it on social media.

Within seconds of posting the picture, Milo smiled as the likes and cheerful comments came flooding in. Some people were saying how cute the pair of friends were, some about how cute Kitsune was in general, and how cute they'd be as a couple. Milo couldn't help but to chuckle under their breath. They look like a couple, do they?

Heh, if only.

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