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Clawdeen woke up and opened her eyes, immediately seeing the colour blue.

She's confused until she sits up, rubs her eyes and realises that the blue was Lagoona. She sat up, gave a stretch and hopped off her bed, giving a glance at her guest.

Her breath is steady and even, hair somehow in place and neat-unlike Clawdeens which is wild and messy. Her face is peaceful.

Once she realised that she was staring for a little too long, she goes over to her closet and picks out her usual outfit before heading over to the bathroom, just to find somebody already using it.

"Occupied!" Came her younger sisters voice. Clawdeen frowns. "Well hurry up!" She bangs on the door once more for emphasis. "It's not my fault. Should've woken up sooner," Came Howleens retort.

So she stands and waits until she eventually emerges from the bathroom, filled with steam. "You happy now?"

But Clawdeen was too busy focused on getting ready to give her a snappy answer back and by the time she got out, Lagoona had woken up and already ready for the day.

She also saw Clawd and Howleen, for some reason, talking to her. "Hey what are you doing? Leave Lagoona alone," she says walking up to them.

"Where's the rest of the girls?" Clawd asks, thinking Frankie, Draculaura and the rest of the girls would be with them.

"It's just us," Clawdeen explains. Clawd and Howleen share a look. "Really?" They say in unison.

"Let's go. We'll just get breakfast at a café or something," she says to Lagoona.

"What about my bag?"
"Oh don't worry about it," she just nods, thinking that having breakfast at a café sounds like a good idea.

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