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Clawdeen and Lagoona managed to find a small and quiet café to have breakfast in.

They walk in and choose a table furthest away from the other monsters that also decided to have breakfast.

They pulled out the menu's and gave them a quick look before ordering.

Clawdeen, of course, said that she'd pay for everything, despite Lagoona saying that she didn't have to. "Oh nonsense. Your my guest and friend, let me pay," she says, using her card and putting it back in her purse.

Lagoona gives a thanks and smiles at her, and before they knew it, their food and drink was ready.

Instead of getting two drinks, they just decided to share one and have two straws, since it was easier as neither of them were too thirsty.

Im really sorry they're getting shorter, I'm just depressed.

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