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"Meta Liberation Army: The Fight"

"Meta Liberation Army: The Fight"

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            "You'll be our eyes. Can you do that?", Shigaraki says as he spoke to Kira. Kira looked at him, eyes widen. The League of Villains were on the top of the hill, the over-looking view of Deika City below them. "Come on, Tomura-san. I can do anything", she said and smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Okay then. Let's go".

            Off they went to Deika City. They were being guided by a hero, one that was not so familiar to each of them. As they were walking, eyes on top of houses started piercing their directions. A man spoke directly to Shigaraki, introducing himself and Deika City. "This is the part where it gets boring", Kira says, whispering towards Twice and Toga and they could not help but agree with her. Minutes later, they started to attack. And so, the fight starts. Everyone ran away from each direction. Kira had only one thought in mind, protect my family at all cost. She then, runs to one of the tall buildings to be able to assist them. While everyone was on the streets, Kira had arrived and started preparing her arrows. "Hmm. This is really helpful. Thank you, Fire boy", she said to herself as she tried out the bow that Dabi gave her, shooting one of the people that was fighting Spinner. She turns to her side, seeing the others, fight with all they've got. Let's do this right, Kira! She thought to herself, shooting arrows at every direction, hitting multiple people.

            "The quirkless villain. What an honor to finally meet you", she felt a hand, a sharp bladed hand on the back of her, piercing through, little by little. She could feel her flesh being torn, slowly. She turns around, grabbing the woman's hand and pinning her down the ground. "Not strong for someone with an awesome quirk", she said, smirking to herself as she looked at the woman. "That's where you're wrong", she replied and then, her left foot also turned into a knife-like figure, that wounded her on the arm. She jumped away from the woman, hissing at her while she held on her bleeding arm. She draws out her gun, hitting the woman on both legs, but she was fast and almost cut Kira's face. Kira was able to dodge her move and stick a dagger, stabbing the woman on the back. "You're strong for a quirkless human being", she remarked and laughed at Kira. "Why does everyone think that being quirkless makes you less? People with no ambition are useless and people with nothing to fight for, are quirkless", Kira looked down, her face darkening with anger as the woman continued to call her quirkless. "People who are born quirkless, will always be quirkless", the woman says to her and that made her snapped. She attacked her, but her leg was stabbed by the woman's feet. She screamed in pain. "That's it!", she shouted as she became more and more furious. She took her sharpest dagger and cut the woman's foot in half – the foot that had the blade – using it to stabbed her on the chest. "People who are greedy, will always be greedy", she whispered to the woman as she breathed her last breath. "Sleep tight", she closed the woman's eyes and went back to retrieve her bow that was snatched from her at the start of their fight. She also took the daggers she used, took off her cloak and mask, and cut the fabric of her cloak and tied it to her bleeding leg and arm. She set her cloak down along with her daggers, focusing on her bow and arrow.

            She positioned herself, firing more arrows at the Liberation Army. As she was aiming, she saw Toga being beaten up by multiple people. She fired arrows at them, but then, she was yet interrupted by a guy with a blasting quirk. It hit the ground she was kneeling on and the debris blasted her, multiple hits on the face. "Damn it", she said, as she landed on the ground. "HIMIKO!", she called out to her and Toga's gaze went into her direction, distracting her as the woman with a bomb quirk hit her again. Both were on the ground, recollecting themselves and standing up – Toga and Kira. Dabi heard Kira's call and looked at her direction, but he was too busy with the ice guy and so he couldn't go to her. "You people have tested my patience", she said to the guy. "Stay down, this isn't your fight. You're just an amateur", he said and she chuckled at his statement. All my life, I've been called useless, because I didn't have a quirk. But I was proud, because I am my mother's daughter. Still, it hurt me when my friends started avoiding me for, I was different. But I remained the good and happy girl, until my family was taken from me. I became relentlessly evil, though it never bothered me. She thought to herself as she stood up, a hand on her gun case. Now, now, I have a family. A family to protect. My wish was granted and I will protect them. The guy noticed her standing up and blasted another shot on the ground, sending her flying and almost falling on top of the building. "You're persistent, but that won't be any help. You're still nothing but a cheap killing machine", the guy said and walked away. "My family is being beaten up by the lot of you. I will have no choice, but to kill you and send you all to the ground", she said as she ran towards him, avoiding all the blasting and fighting him, punches through every flesh and bone. She gazes upon Toga once more. "HIMIKO! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!", she shouted at the direction Toga was on as she was battling the guy. "DAMN ALL OF YOU", she continued doing so, reaching for her gun and about to fire at Toga's way, when suddenly she was stopped. She got sloppy as she focuses on Toga. The guy, kicked her on the face and stepped on it and her arm as she was laying down on the ground. "No! Himiko!", she struggled as she was being stepped on, hard. "Sayonara", the guy said as he was about to fire his quirk at her face. She was still able to move her legs and so she twisted her body, kicking the guy on the waistline and jumping away from him, coughing up blood. The guy fell on his butt and stood up immediately. "KIRA-SENPAI!", Toga shouted. "DON'T SAVE ME! I CAN TAKE THEM", she said and Kira gritted her teeth. She looked down, tears flowing from her eyes. "Damn it!", she said. "Your friend is going to die. Maybe I'll let you live. Besides, you'll die anyway, knowing you couldn't save her", the guy said and turned around, this time, walking away without paying attention. "Big mistake", she said and positioned her gun at him. He turns around preparing to counterattack with his quirk, but he was too late.

            He held on his neck as blood flowed out of it. "Arrogant and prideful. You disgust me", she said and stood up, getting her things and getting off the building to position herself on another building. She spits out some blood as she rolls her eyes. After this, I wanna have a vacation.

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