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8:06 PM


Let me guess!

Something bad happened 😂


Don't ask about it


Okay then why is your frown still visible across the room? 😂

Come on Kuya you're the slowest person I've ever met in this life 🤦🏻‍♂️



Honestly, I don't know what to do


So we're really taking home a huge emotional baggage this time? HAHAHA

Can't believe it! 😭😭😭 Stop sending mixed signals if you have no plans of pursuing the woman

You're being... toxic if you'll continue that 🥴


Of course I have 😾

It's just that

Ugh please give me a break from thinking

It's awkward to even face Kiesha now 😿 what more if I say it? 😿

I'm scared 😭



She feels the same 😒 I think she's just waiting for you

Goodness what's more awkward is YOU 😂


Idk na

Just please let me rest from thinking about it


Fine 😂

If you'll happen to carry with you tons of emotional baggage all the way to Manila, it's not my fault anymore because I actually enjoyed here in Netherlands 😂

Learned a lot about their culture

Met a lot of people

Went to different places in Amsterdam

Filled up a film photo album

Started a new career

You? 😂

One thing could've changed it all 😂 Bravery

You have one last week to make it up 😋 because I'm pretty sure that once we go home to Manila and you still haven't made a move

It's all going to look different Kuya :) because everything kind of changed between you two here in Amsterdam

Either way, it won't be the same

Take the risk or lose the chance before it's all too late to do so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Seen 8:10 PM

Take Home a BaggageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon