Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs (11)

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Bettys POV
My dad frowned saying "I wish I could've gotten off of work but I'm so sorry...are you sure you can fly to Connecticut on your own?"

I nodded saying "don't worry dad..."

He said "and don't worry, I'll talk to that damn school about their students...I know how you get when your mother is mentioned but trust me... she...she did love you..."

I smiled and he smiled back.

He hugged me saying "my little girl is all grown up, going out on her own...being a responsible adult and now becoming a possible student for one of the top universities in the country..."

I smiled and he smiled back.

I hugged him saying "thank you for always believing in me..."

He laughed and said "I also wanted to speak on that ghost thing..."

I looked at him and he said "I believe you..."

I said "really?"

He nodded "I mean strange things have happened in this house indeed...but I don't think your crazy sweetheart definitely not, besides I believe it, if you could see your would take the chance."

I smiled and nodded and hugged him saying "alright...let's get to the airport dad no more stalling."

He chuckled and we left. When I said my final goodbyes and got through security and all I had to wait for my plane. I was sitting down as suddenly Jughead appeared next to me.

I gasped and he laughed saying "spooked ya?"

I said "how can you..."

He said "I'm not sure actually...I was missing you and now I'm here..."

I smiled at him and he said "but I'm somewhat in a good mood so I wanna tell you another part."

I got one headphone in saying "sure I guess?"

He said "open your laptop searching up on Instagram, Toni Topaz."

I nodded and did so and said "wow she's pretty."

He smiled saying "yeah she really was..."

I said "she's dead?!"

He said "keep your voice down and no...we just stopped being friends, along with them two..."

I smiled and saw a photo of him with them.

I said "you look happy..."

Gs nodded " of the few moments I had..."

I said "why don't I see them?"

He explained "I live on the Southside of Riverdale, they are apart of the gang my parents are in, the serpents...the quick and simple story was that...they didn't understand..."

He sighed and I put my hand on the arm test and said "don't give me the short version...tell me..."

He chuckled softly and nodded and I smiled back as his hand went through mine and I smiled and he smiled back.

Jugheads Story
While I did have Archie I also had another side to my life so yes I was 'keeping secrets' but it was only because I was afraid that my friends wouldn't love me anymore and boy was I right...I was leading a somewhat double life, my parents didn't want me involved or joining the serpents because they wanted me to do what I wanted. What I wanted was too be able to go to school, hang out with my friends, be myself but also lead my life the way I wanted which was to have fun. But with that I hid some stuff that I am guilty for and I really regret destroying both my relations ships with Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs and Archie. You might me wondering why we haven't talked to or even met the three but that's because they go to Southside High, we basically grew up next to on another being future possible serpents. But I didn't want to go down that path and my folks respected my decision. But they for sure didn't, anytime we would hang out they would ask me when I was going to join and I always avoided the question with things like 'time will tell. I'm not sure if it's right for me personally. I'm really busy' but it got bad when after school they came to the Northside. I was confused and asked why were they there and they said that I had lied that they asked my parents and my parents told them I didn't want to be a serpent, for them it translated to that I hated them and that I'm here on the Northside why would I want to ruin my so called 'reputation' when to be honest I didn't even have one and everyone at Riverdale High just... shunned me, almost none of them had looked at me the same again, but I didn't blame them...I mean...the Southside doesn't have a good reputation but I felt awful because when I tried to talk with them...they shunned me and told me that if I ever walked on serpent territory not being a serpent...well the teen serpents would come after me. But I wanted to stick to myself so after that day we haven't talked...and I don't think we ever will again...

Bettys POV
I sighed and said "you know you make it difficult for me to not go after all of the people who wronged you..."

He smiled and I smiled back as suddenly the women began getting people on board.

I got up saying "my dad got me first class cause of my...well you know."

He nodded and I grabbed my stuff saying "come on."

"What if it doesn't work?" He asked me.

I shrugged saying "I don't care, I want you to be with me."

He nodded and we boarded the plane. I got comfortable in my seat and Jughead sat next to me.

I smiled and said "you know some people are gonna look at me as if I'm crazy..."

He said "I don't think so..."

I laughed and said "I don't're the only person that gets me."

He smiled and said "how about you get some rest okay?"

I nodded and took a pill and laid down and got some rest.

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