First Encounter

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Y/N had heard of this popular tavern from one of her maid friends called the Boar Hat Tavern. Y/N heard that it was run by this 12-year-old short blonde-haired boy. Usually this would raise concern to Y/N but because it was so popular there had to be a catch to it, so Y/N decided to find out for herself. Y/N dressed in a long white tee, with a denim black skirt. On top of the long grey cardigan, and some white vans. Y/N had decided to enjoy herself since she usually doesn't. 

Although Y/N was immortal Y/N never drank alcohol

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Although Y/N was immortal Y/N never drank alcohol. In her old village it was deemed as un-lady-like and poor, but over the times it became popular and normalized. Even her lady friends would talk about it, so what's the harm? Once she arrived, she looked through some windows and looked at how everyone looked. There were two, no, three girls in tight pink shirts (if that's what you want to call it) with extremely short black skirts. One black stock on the right leg and white flats on that same leg, and the other was black flats with no thigh sock. The three girls were very pretty one with long blue-white hair, the other with brown pigtails, and the last girl had very short bright pink hair. The male customers stared at the girls and would even touch them. 

Y/N's POV: I finally took a deep breath and opened the taverns doors. I feel a pair of eyes on me and suddenly felt anxious. Was I underdressed? Overdressed? Could they tell I didn't belong? That this was my first time? Oh god? One of the waitresses yelled my name "Y/N! It's so good to see you!!" My god am I seeing things "OH Elizabeth, how good to see you!" "Yes, you too Y/N it's good to see you finally out of your house" "Yes it feels good to be out" "That's fantastic Y/N I hope you enjoy here-" Me and Elizabeth were interrupted by an old hag shouting at Elizabeth "Ya ya girls why don't you stop talking and feed me my goddamn drink you Clutz" Elizabeth went red, super embarrassed "I-I'm sor" "Why don't you get up and get it yourself you pig" I shouted quickly defending Elizabeth. I took the drink from Elizabeth's tray of drinks, and she walked away from the fight to give out the rest of the drinks. It looked like she went to go get someone from behind the bar. The man stood from his chair and was ready to fight me "I'm giving you one more chance little girl, give me my drink or you'll regret the way you spoke to me" He spat taking a step closer "come and get it" I dropped the drink on a nearby table behind me. "Oh, You Little" he jumped to get on top of me to which I punched his nose breaking it causing him to fall to the floor. "UGH YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING CUNT" you giggled and bent down to see him on the floor holding his nose "What was that" you asked innocently bending down close to his face "Good for nothing cu-" you punched him even harder than before to which he passed out. You get up and giggle turning around and getting the drink you placed on a table and spilt the drink on him with the cup right next to him. You look up to see Elizabeth standing with a short blonde-haired boy and a tall blue-haired boy. They just watched and you looked around to see the whole tavern look at you in complete shock. You walk up to Elizabeth as she can't help but still hide that look of shock still in her eyes. "So, Elizabeth what drink do you suggest for me?" You sit on the bar stool behind her and spin to look at her. "Uhmmmm" you tilt your head to see what the problem was and finally hear the two boys next to her speak, the blonde boy spoke up 

Meliodas: "Your abnormally strong Mssssss-"

Y/N: "Y/N" 

Meliodas: "Y/N."

Y/N:  "I might be abnormally strong but you're abnormal looking" 

The tall blue-haired boy cackled at the comment I made, the blonde punched the tall man's stomach and cleared his throat after that.

Meliodas: "You're not human, are you?"

Y/N: "Nope I'm not I'm a ghost"

 you said with a tone of sarcasm. The blonde was going to speak again before he was cut off by Elizabeth

Elizabeth: "The blonde boys name is Sir. Meliodas and this man right here are Sir. Ban"

Y/N "Sir. Meliodas and Sir. Ban"

you repeated it to yourself to not forget. 

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