Messy Drunk

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Everyone goes back to work. Except for Meliodas and Ban. Meliodas starts.

Meliodas: "You're not human and I know it, I'm going to find out what you truly are"

Ban: "Yeah what's a pretty girl like you doing here anyway"

Y/N: "What I can't get a drink"

Ban: "Of course let me go get you one of my favorites, how much would you want"

Y/N: "5"

Ban: "Coming right up"

Ban walks away seeing him get 10 cups assuming those other 5 are his. As soon as Bans out of view you turn to see Meliodas looking down at something

Y/N: "What the hell are you even looking at-" "PERVERT"

Meliodas: "Not unless I touch them" 

he giggled like a child and smiled at me. 

Y/N: "Do you all live in this tavern?"

Meliodas: "Yeah, we have some extra rooms in case anyone else would like to join our journey" 

Y/N: "And what's that"

Meliodas: "Can't tell anyone that doesn't live here"

Y/N: "What if I decided to live here, would you let me?"

Meliodas: "And why would I wanna let you live here?"

Y/N: "You can find out if I'm human"

Meliodas: "Hmmm-"

Ban walked in and sat next to me with 10 cups all placed out Infront of me. He separated 5 to his side and 5 to mine. We soon hit our cups against each other's and began to chuck the cups down. 2 in and I start to feel dizzy.

Y/N: "Is this what drunk feels like"

Meliodas and Ban looked at each other and laughed their asses off to what I said. Both yelled "YOU NEVER DRANK BEFORE?!" I took another cup and one more and slammed the empty drink down. 

Ban: "Sweetheart I think you've had enough" 

Y/N:  I giggled and slurred my words; "No bahhh.. ban I haven't *hiccup*"

 I took the last cup up to my lips and took more sips of the drink before dropping the drunk onto my white shirt. 

Y/N: "Bahhhhhn why didn't you tell me to stawp"

I stood up all wet and uncomfortable, Ban and Meliodas also stood up only to turn around to me without a shirt and only my socks, skirt, and red bra on. I grabbed a bunch of napkins on a table and whipped my chest. Meliodas struggled to getting me to stop whipping and putting my shirt back on. Meliodas forced me back onto the stool and covering me from whoever could see only for me to kick Meliodas sending him flying to the other side of the tavern. Ban stood up after drinking all of his drink and a little more, he removed his pink leather blazer and put it over me zipping the blazer up. Meliodas came behind him carrying my shoes, shirt, and cardigan. Ban carried me with my arm and head over his shoulder and up the stairs. I tried throwing punches at Meliodas but he kept a far distance from me so I couldn't reach the boy. Instead, I bit Bans shoulder to the point where I drew blood from him. 

Ban: "Aghhh you little bitch"

Ban smacked my ass really hard and made me tear up

Y/N: "B-ban that really really hurt" 

Ban: "Yeah well you biting me wasn't the best either"

Y/N: "What do you want me to do, kiss it better?"

Ban: "Maybe I would?"

without thinking I began kissing the bite mark and swirled my tongue to the blood dripping down his chest Ban stopped walking and stiffened. I began to suck on the mark until it became purple. 

Ban: "Y/N stop it or-or else"

Y/N: "Or else what Ban" 

I whispered that into his ear and nibbled at it leaving peppering kisses. Meliodas began to giggle; I forget he was there. Ban then put me into Meliodas's arms and grabbed my stuff instead. Walking down to a hall I began to mess with Meliodas as well.

Y/N: "Meliodassss"

Meliodas: "Whatttttt"

I bit really hard on Meliodas's neck and did the same thing I did to Ban. I heard Meliodas grunt in pain. He kept walking even though I placed more and more bites all over him. I hated that he wasn't giving me the attention I wanted so I tugged at his hair and yanked it, this made him almost fall over.

Meliodas: "Y/N you're not convincing me to let you stay" 

I heard the sound of a door opening and soon I was dropped on a big bed. I saw both Meliodas and Ban with a pissed off look on their faces. I zipped down the blazer that Ban gave me only to get tackled by the two boys placing the blazer back on.

Y/N: "Meliodas please let me stay I'll do anything"

Meliodas: "Fine then you'll work for the tavern and quite whatever other jobs you have"

Y/N: "Deal"

The next morning, I woke up in a messy spacious room. Ban on the floor for some weird reason. 

Y/N: "What are you doing on the floor?" 

Ban: "You really don't remember a thing huh?"

He shows me a video of me yesterday and let's just say I am a messy drunk

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