Chap 5

356 27 18

ink > splatter🎨

error > code🍫

blue > cobalt💙

dream > sunrise🌞

nightmare > moondrop🌙

killer > ruby🎯

horror > gore🥩

dust > indigo🔪

cross > xans✖️

sci > med⚗️

Error (fgod) - error✨

Reaper - 💀

Error pov

Shit shit shit shit shit ! Why me? We've been talking for Juste about 2 months now. Why would he want me?

M🌙- he gave us a notes saying that he is waiting for us at the misty mountain in 3 hours for an answer.

E✨- I'll do it.

s🌞- are you sure?

E✨- yes.

I went into my room to take my stuff I didn't know what reaper would want with me after all.

time skip

3rd pov

they were at the misty mountain, waiting for reaper to come.

R💀- so you came. what is your answer?

E✨- I accept.

R💀- absolutely perfect, come with me now we have to leave.

E✨- where?

R💀- to my kingdom! Meedyrojan!

E✨- oh, yes. Right.....

After a teary goodbye error and reaper took flight and left Godridyan. They didn't talk during the 1 hour it took to go from one kingdom to another. Once there error was immediately surprised it was so different, it wasn't multiple islands, non, it was one giant island, it was like a whole continent had been taken and levitate in the sky.
Error was directly brought into the castle and given a room.

ater in the night he was called in the throne room, a maid led him there as he didn't know his way in this castle.

R💀- there you are error come with me.

Reaper lead him to a comfortable room covered in pillows.

R💀- I'm sure you have questions, so let's answer some of them.

E✨- why? Why did you ask for me? Why did you declare a war?

R💀- I declared a war to have you to pressure them into giving you to me, and why you?

Reaper approached error and took his head in his black tinted claws.

R💀- I can feel you are meant to be mine, I can feel my soul calling to you.

Now as reaper said it, error realised that he too could feel the pull. Then it hit him like a train. They were soul mates, of course they could feel each other's soul.

R💀- I can also tell you are not from here. Your specie was registered as a void walker. You aren't from this multiverse are you?

fixed wings (fgod) Where stories live. Discover now